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英语翻译翻译时要用到后面给出的词或短语.1.他昨晚时睡时醒.offand on 2.你有可能去国外工作吗?possibi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 03:38:18
and on
3.只生一个孩子的观念已经在许多中国家庭中扎根.take hold
5.我们计划明年生产十万台计算机以满足市场需要.turn out
9.尽管这个老妇人衣着已经过时,但她穿得既清洁又高贵.out of date
11.她必须正视她已不再年轻这一事实.face up to
14.她对警察生动地描述了这次事故.vivid description
15.一个国家如果违反国际协议就得不到尊重.violates an international agreement.
英语翻译翻译时要用到后面给出的词或短语.1.他昨晚时睡时醒.offand on 2.你有可能去国外工作吗?possibi
1. 他昨晚时睡时醒.off and on
【He slept off and on last night】
【He was asleep off and on last night】
2. 你有可能去国外工作吗?possibility
【Is there any possiblity for you to go abroad to work 】
【Do you have any possiblity of going abroad for working】
【Are you in the possiblity to work abroad 】
【Is there any possible that you will go abroad to work ?】
3. 只生一个孩子的观念已经在许多中国家庭中扎根. take hold
【The idea to give the birth to one-child has taken hold in many Chinese family 】
【The idea /conception to have one child has taken hold in many Chinese families】
【The idea /concept of having one-child has been taken hold in many Chinese families】
【The idea to bear one child has been taken hold in many Chinese families】
4. 想起中国, 我们就联想到长城. associate
【 Thinking of China will associate us with the Great Wall】
【Thinking of China is associated with the Great Wall by us 】
【We associate thinking of China with the Great Wall 】
【At the thought of China , We will associate it with the Great Wall】
【We will always associate China with the Great Wall】
5. 我们计划明年生产十万台计算机以满足市场需要. turn out
【We will plan to produce one hundred thousand computers the next year so that we can meet the demand of the market】
【We are going to turn out 0.1 million computer to satisfy the demand of the market】
【Our plan that we produce one hundred thousand computers the next year so that we can meet the demand of the market】
6. 我们期待再接到你们的来信.anticipate
【We anticipate receiving your coming letter again 】
【We anticipate hearing from your coming letter again】
【It is anticipated that we will receive your coming letter again】
7. 他是一个令人乏味的人,我不想再见到他. tedious
【He is such a tedious person that I don't want to see him again 】
【He is so tedicous a person that I don't want to see him any more】
8. 我受到激励,比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作.inspired
【I was inspired to work harder than ever before 】
【I am inspired to be more hard-working than ever before 】
9. 尽管这个老妇人衣着已经过时,但她穿得既清洁又高贵.out of date
【Out of date as this old woman's clothes are ,she were dressed neatly and noble 】
【Though/ Although the garments /clothes of that old woman are out of date, She was dressed neatly and noble 】
【Though the old woman's clothes are out of date, She looked both neatly and noble】
10. 要求苛严的教师已经出国了,你可以完全放心了. severe
【The teacher who is so severe has gone abroad , you can feel much assured /relieved】
【You can be much relieved /assured since the severe professional has gone abroad】
11. 她必须正视她已不再年轻这一事实. face up to
【She must face up to the fact that she was not young again /any longer /any more】
【She must face up to the fact that he is not so as young as what she used to be】
12. 他在吃早饭的时候浏览了一下报纸. scanned
【He scanned the newspaper when he was having his dinner】
【He scaned through the newspaper while he was having his meal】
13. 那位政治家在人民中的形象很差.image
【That politician has left the people with a bad image】
【The politician has impressed the people with a bad image】
【That statesman has left a bad image on the people 】
14. 她对警察生动地描述了这次事故. vivid description
【She gave the vivid description to the police 】
【She has made a vivid description for the police】
15. 一个国家如果违反国际协议就得不到尊重.violates an international agreemen
【One nation can't win the respect /esteem if it voilate an international agreement】
【One country can't obtain the respect/esteem of others if it itself voilates an international agreement】
【if one country/ nation violates an international agreement, it will not get respect /esteem from other countries】