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英语翻译第一篇-----假如你是英语课代表 下一节课要在语音室(language lab)上听力训练课 ,你要向全班同学

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:21:29
第一篇-----假如你是英语课代表 下一节课要在语音室(language lab)上听力训练课 ,你要向全班同学宣布注意事项:1.提前三分钟到教室 2.换鞋后可以进入教室 3.除了教材和笔以外不能带任何东西 4.要按照老师的指令做,不要随便动机器 5.下课后要关机,然后依次离开教室 70词左右,
开头 boys and girls,
may l have your attenion,please (翻译内容.)
结尾 That's all.thank you.
第二篇-----假如国庆期间,你去游览了峨眉山 70词左右
提示;1.go with parents
2.go by train return by bus
3 .walk to the top;see monkeys on the way;see sunrise on the top of it;spend a day on the top
4.fresh air;lovable monkeys;beautiful trees;friendly people
英语翻译第一篇-----假如你是英语课代表 下一节课要在语音室(language lab)上听力训练课 ,你要向全班同学
oys and girls,
may l have your attenion,please.
we have to go to the language lab to take our next listening practice lesson.
we need to arrive there3 minutes earlier,change our shoes before go into the classroom.
we shouldn't bring anything except for teaching materials and pens.
we should follow teacher's instructions rather than touching tha machine.
when the class is over,turn off the machine and leave the classroom one by one.
During the national festival,I went to Emei mountain with my parents.We went there by train and came back by bus.
The weather was good,and we climbed to the top.We saw monkeys on the way,they were very naughty.
We were lucky to have seen the sunrise on the top of the mountain,and then we spent a whole day on the top.
We breathed fresh air and took pictures with loveable monkeys.The trees there were pretty beautiful,and the people we met were friendly
We enjoyed ourselves there,this trip will be a precious memory for us.
再问: 那个 第二篇能标下号不
英语翻译第一篇-----假如你是英语课代表 下一节课要在语音室(language lab)上听力训练课 ,你要向全班同学 求初二英语作文!假如你是英语课代表,在语音实验室上听说课前,用英语向全班同学宣布注意事项;1.提前两分钟来教室;2.换鞋 求一篇英语作文很急啊以第一人称写作.假如你是李华代表全班同学向老师写信.1.课堂上你的微笑给了我们信心.2.若您的课在生 英语作文.假如你是新华社中学某班班长李华.外教明天要来你们班给你们上英语口语课请你代表全班同学 书面表达 最近老是组织全班同学在英语课上开展有关“做家务活”的讨论.假如你是吴军,以下是你所在小组做 帮我写篇英语作文假如你是英语课代表,在语言实验室上听说课之前,向全班宣布注意事项:1、请提前五分钟来语言实验室2、换鞋进 求初二英语作文2篇 一 假如你是英语课代表在语音实验室上听说课前 向全班宣布注意事项1 请提前2分钟来教室 2 换鞋才可 精通英语的帮个忙假如你是英语科代表,在语言实验室的听说课之前,你向全班同学宣布如下事项:1.请提前两分钟来语言实验室2. 英语作文、假如你是林涛,你的英语老师让你在英语课上向同学们介绍你最喜欢的动画片.提示、1why do you carto 帮我写一篇高三英语作文,要求:假如你是中学生李华,在英语课堂上你的老师安排全班同学给回国不久的美国同学seika写一封信 英语作文在一堂英语课上,老师组织全班同学开展有关"做家务活"的讨论.假如以下是你所做的小组讨论记录,请你根据这个记录用英 假设你是新华中学某班班长李华.外教Ms.Smith明天要来你们班给你们上英语口语课.请你代表全班同学用英语写一篇口头致辞