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英语翻译“对面那栋楼发生了一发命案,有人被谋杀了,Summon the police quickly!” 陈先生苍白着脸

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 03:29:35
“对面那栋楼发生了一发命案,有人被谋杀了,Summon the police quickly!” 陈先生苍白着脸,指向对面的楼.
“哪里发生了命案?” 一名微胖的中年警察严肃的问道.
“正对面的公寓的第3楼“ 陈先生指着对面的楼答道.
”我们刚才已经检查过那栋楼了,根本没有一个人在里面“ 微胖的中年警官说道.
”对啊,对面的那一栋楼已经没有人住了,很早的时候就已经被一个公司购买,打算下个星期就拆迁.“ 这时医院长也来了,
”如果是真的有命案发生在那栋楼的话,那么现在犯人应该在那栋楼里才对,可是我们找遍了一整栋楼,却连犯人的影子都没见到.” 一个比较年轻的警官说道,“ 我们可是接到这个案子之后5分钟就赶到这里来了,犯人不可能用5分钟的时间逃出那一栋楼的.”
”有没有可能是陈先生你看错了呢?“ 护士问.
“可是我是真的看到了.” 陈先生委屈的说.
“可能是因为陈先生最近太劳累了,所以才出现了幻觉,都怪我们照顾不周.” 医院长自责地说道.
“这回我没看错,那个杀人犯就在那一栋楼,护士护士!” 陈先生激动地撕声吼道.
“陈先生,你觉得这样好玩吗?我们没有时间陪你玩游戏.” 警长不耐烦的对陈先生说道.
“不是幻影!我没有看错!那边真的发生了一发命案,我没有撒谎!” 陈先生激动的说.
“陈先生,不如明天我留下来陪你吧.“ 年轻的警官说道,”我倒是要看看,犯人到底耍的是什么把戏.“
英语翻译“对面那栋楼发生了一发命案,有人被谋杀了,Summon the police quickly!” 陈先生苍白着脸
“对面那栋楼发生了一发命案,有人被谋杀了,Summon the police quickly! ” 陈先生苍白着脸,指向对面的楼.
“There is a homicide case in the opposite building.Somebody got killed.Summon the police quickly!"快点叫警察过来.Mr Chen was pointing at the building with a pale face.
Looking at the window Mr Chen was pointing at,the nurse didn't see anything but darkness.There's no one by the window there.But she thought Mr Chen won't lie.Therefore she called the police right away.Just in five minutes,the police got in the hospital.
“哪里发生了命案?” 一名微胖的中年警察严肃的问道.
Where's the homicide case?"One plump middle aged police asked seriously.
“正对面的公寓的第3楼“ 陈先生指着对面的楼答道.
"The third floor of the opposite apartment"Mr Chen replied,pointing at that building.
”我们刚才已经检查过那栋楼了,根本没有一个人在里面“ 微胖的中年警官说道.
"I just checked that bulding,there was no one inside at all"The plump middle-aged said.
”对啊,对面的那一栋楼已经没有人住了,很早的时候就已经被一个公司购买,打算下个星期就拆迁.“ 这时医院长也来了,他解释道.
"Right.There's no residence in that building.It was bought by a company long time before,waitting for demolition and rebuilding."The hospital president came too and replied.
”如果是真的有命案发生在那栋楼的话,那么现在犯人应该在那栋楼里才对,可是我们找遍了一整栋楼,却连犯人的影子都没见到.” 一个比较年轻的警官说道,“ 我们可是接到这个案子之后5分钟就赶到这里来了,犯人不可能用5分钟的时间逃出那一栋楼的.”
"If there was any real homicide.The criminal is supposed to be in that building now.But we didn't find no one throughout the whole bulding." One fairly young cop said,"It just takes us five minutes to get here since we got the call.It's impossible for the criminal to get out of the building in 5 minutes."
”有没有可能是陈先生你看错了呢?“ 护士问.
"Is that possible that Mr Chen just thought he saw something didn't exsist?The nurse asked
“可是我是真的看到了.” 陈先生委屈的说.
"But I really saw it."Mr Chen replied ...
“可能是因为陈先生最近太劳累了,所以才出现了幻觉,都怪我们照顾不周.” 医院长自责地说道.
"Maybe Mr Chen is too tired recently.The hallucination followed then.It's all our fault that we didn't take care of him well enough."The president said with self-blamement
Maybe I just thought I see something,Mr Chen reckoned.But during the next night,the same affair happenned again.Around midnight,the siren sounded punctually.The light was on in that window.Two wrestling people's shadows vibrated under the light.Suddenly,one person grabbed a long shank,preparing to chop another struggling person.
“这回我没看错,那个杀人犯就在那一栋楼,护士护士!快来人啊!” 陈先生激动地撕声吼道.
"I didn't hallucinate this time.That killer is in that building now.Nurse,nurse!Someone here!"
Mr Chen was shouting excitingly
Soon,the cops showed up.But they found the light and human shadows disappearred once again like miracle when they just got in site.
“陈先生,你觉得这样好玩吗?我们没有时间陪你玩游戏.” 警长不耐烦的对陈先生说道.
"Mr Chen,do you think it's funny?We don't have time for that."The head police told Mr Chen very unpatiently.
"This is not Mr Chen's fault.He's just a patient.Casual hallucination is reasonable."The hospital president said decently.
“不是幻影!我没有看错!那边真的发生了一发命案,我没有撒谎!” 陈先生激动的说.
"Not hallucination!I didn't see it wrong!That's a real homicide case there,I didn't lie!"Mr Chen said very excitingly.
“陈先生,不如明天我留下来陪你吧.“ 年轻的警官说道,”我倒是要看看,犯人到底耍的是什么把戏.“
"Mr Chen,let me accompany you tomorrow."The young cop said,"I wanna see what's the trick of this criminal."
"Just like that,during the next night,the siren sounded once again.Light was on in that window.Seeing that,Mr Chen waked the cop up immediately .Then,horrible scene happenned again.Two shadows wrestled.One of them took a long knife,chopping at another person and pulling him over.Sure enough,Mr Chen didn't lie.That's a homicide case.So as a witness,the young cop called the policemen right away.