作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:30:53
初一 (上) 期末测试 (A卷)
Ⅰ.语音知识 8%
A) 找出下列各组单词划线部分读音与其他三个不同的词. 2.5%
〔 〕1. A. kite B. time C. twin D. write
〔 〕2. A. team B. sweater C. teacher D. please
〔 〕3. A. watch B. school C. chair D. Chinese
〔 〕4. A. broom B. football C. good D. book
〔 〕5. A. down B. how C. window D. flower
B) 判断下面各组单词划线部分有几种读音. 2.5%
A 表示有一种读音, B 表示有两种读音,
C 表示有三种读音, D 表示有四种读音.
〔 〕6. A. between B. see C. green D. jeep
〔 〕7. A. ruler B. blue C. under D. duty
〔 〕8. A. clothes B. mother C. do D. not
〔 〕9. A. after B. same C. what D. family
〔 〕10.A. sorry B. must C. has D. sit
C) 下面每组句子的语调有一个与其他两个不同,请找出来. 3%
〔 〕11. A. What's your name?
B. Can you spell your name?
C. I'm Number 5.
〔 〕12. A. Are you in Row 2?
B. How old are you?
C. What's this in English?
〔 〕13. A. I think she is twelve.
B. Who is not here?
C. Is she at school today?
Ⅱ.词汇知识 26%
A) 指出下列单词的正确拼写.
〔 〕14. 不同的
A. diffrent B. defferent
C. diffirent D. different
〔 〕15. 图片
A. pictcher B. pictrue
C. picture D. pictuer
〔 〕16. 执照
A. lisense B. licence
C. lisence D. license
〔 〕17. 地板
A. flour B. flaur
C. floor D. flor
〔 〕18. 裤子
A. trousers B. trowsers
C. trouserz D. trouzers
〔 〕19. 谁的
A. who's B. whoes
C. whos' D. whose
〔 〕20. 妇女们
A. womans B. woman
C. wimen D. women
〔 〕21. 八十
A. aighty B. eighty
C. eithtty D. eighteen
B) 找出与其他三个单词不属于同一类的词.
〔 〕22. A. coat B. skirt C. blouse D. watch
〔 〕23. A. and B. behind C. under D. in
〔 〕24. A. know B. think C. must D. give
〔 〕25. A. desk B. table C. chair D. they
〔 〕26. A. orange B. apple C. cup D. pear
〔 〕27. A. bike B. kite C. bus D. car
〔 〕28. A. white B. like C. red D. blue
〔 〕29. A. studentB. AmericanC. English D. Japanese
C) 翻译下列词组.
30. 回家 __________________
31. 七点十分 __________________
32. 照料 __________________
33. 我们家的一张照片 __________________
34. 穿上 __________________
35. on duty __________________
36. take off __________________
37. behind the chair __________________
38. go to bed __________________
39. come here __________________
Ⅲ.完成句子 15%
40. It's time for school.
It's time ______ ______ ______ school.
41. I haven't a watch.
I ______ ______ a watch.
42. What time is it?
______ the time?
43. Is everyone here?
______ you ______ here?
44. Which class are you in?
______ class are you in?
45. She is an English teacher.
She is a teacher ______ English.
B) 用代词的适当形式填空.
46. —— Is he an American boy?
—— Yes, he is.
—— What's ______ name?
—— Tom.
47. —— Is that Mary's bedroom?
—— No, it isn't ______ room. ______ is over there.
48. —— Is this school yours?
—— Yes, it's ______. ______ school is nice. We like it.
49. —— ______ coat is that? Is this your coat, Tom?
—— No, it's not ______. ______ coat is green.
50. —— Are these their shoes?
—— Yes, ______ are ______.
Ⅳ.选择填空 20%
〔 〕51. The man is ______ father.
A. Kate B. Kate's C. she's D. Kates
〔 〕52. How old ______?
A. are you mother B. are your mother
C. your mother is D. is your mother
〔 〕53. —— Who's that girl?
—— She's ______.
A. my sister B. ten C. in red D. nice
〔 〕54. Let me ______ it.
A. to do B. do
C. do to D. do the
〔 〕55. —— Is the box old or new?
—— _____________.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't
C. It's new D. Yes, it's new
〔 〕56. —— What colour is that hat?
—— ______________.
A. That's blue B. It's a blue
C. It's blue D. Its blue
〔 〕57. I am ______.
A. an Chinese B. a Chinese
C. one Chinese D. the Chinese
〔 〕58. —— ______ is your father?
—— He is all right.
A. How B. What C. Where D. Who
〔 〕59. Where ______ Mike's shoes?
A. is B. are C. are his D. is his
〔 〕60. —— Are you a student?
—— _____________.
A. Yes, I'm B. No, you aren't
C. Yes, you are D. Yes, I am
〔 〕61. This is ______ cup.
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
〔 〕62. Please look ______ the picture on the wall.
A. in B. to C. at D. on
〔 〕63. Those are ______ clothes.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
〔 〕64. We have two new teachers ______ our school.
A. in B. on C. behind D. to
〔 〕65. Open your workbook ______ page 10.
A. in B. on C. after D. to
〔 〕66. I think ______ Green.
A. it B. its C. they D. it's
〔 〕67. The sweater ______ like yours.
A. look B. is look C. looks D. is looks
〔 〕68. That's a nice watch. Is it ______?
A. new B. a new C. an old D. a old
〔 〕69. It's time ______ bed.
A. to go to the B. to go to
C. go to the D. go to
〔 〕70. ______ Mrs Green's dress?
A. What colour is B. What colour are
C. What is the colour D. What are the colour
Ⅴ.句型转换 7%
71. I have a nice bike. (改为否定句)
I ______ ______ a nice bike.
72. It's about four thirty. (对划线部分提问)
______ the time?
73. He can find his watch. (改为一般疑问句)
______ ______ find his watch?
74. Your ruler is on the table. (用 in the desk 改为选择疑问句)
______ your ruler on the table ______ in the desk?
75. It's my box. (改为复数形式)
______ ______ ______ ______.
76. These are Lily's new sweaters. (对划线部分提问)
______ new sweaters ______ ______?
77. —— Are the flowers red? (做肯定回答)
—— ______, ______ are.
Ⅵ.情景反应 4%
〔 〕78. 课堂上,老师和同学们互相问好以后,班长应该说_______
A. Stand up B. Come in.
C. Sit down. D. Look at your books.
〔 〕79. 如果你想知道对方的年纪,应该问_________
A. What's your name? B. How old are you?
C. How are you? D. What class are you in?
〔 〕80. 当别人感谢你时,你应该说_________
A. That's all right. B. Very nice.
C. Very good. D. All right.
〔 〕81. 吃过早饭后,你找同学去上学时应该说_________
A. Let's go to the school.
B. Let's we go to school.
C. Let's us go to the school.
D. Let's go to school.
Ⅶ.翻译填空 10%
82. 这件衬衣看起来像她的.
This shirt ______ ______ hers.
83. 穿着红色外衣的那个女孩是玛丽.
The girl ______ the red ______ is Mary.
84. 足球在你书桌下面.
The ______ is ______ your desk.
85. 地图在他们教室的墙上.
The ______ is ______ the ______ ______ their classroom.
Ⅷ.阅读理解 5%
This is the twins' bedroom. In the room we can see a map. It is
a map of China. Their books are on the desk. They have a clock on
the desk, too. Their skirts are on the bed. Their shoes are under
the chair. Everything (一切东西) is tidy (整洁的). Their room is not
big. It's very nice. The twins like it very much.
〔 〕86. The twins don't have a map in their room.
〔 〕87. We can see their books on the desk.
〔 〕88. We can't see their shoes.
〔 〕89. The room is big.
〔 〕90. They like their room very much.
Ⅸ.补全对话 (每空一词) 5%
Harry: Mr Grant.
Mr Grant: Oh, hello, Harry. 91 are you?
Harry: Fine, thanks.
Mr Grant: That's fine.
Harry: What are we doing now?
Mr Grant: We are studying (学习) 92 Ten.
Harry: Is it hard (难的) ?
Mr Grant: No, it's 93 very hard. Now please read the words.
Harry: 94 right.
Mr Grant: Good. Sit 95 please.
Harry: OK.
91. ______ 92. ______ 93. ______ 94. ______ 95. ______