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大二英语课堂作业 先找一篇推荐文章 再简要概括推荐理由

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 07:16:20
大二英语课堂作业 先找一篇推荐文章 再简要概括推荐理由
老师的要求是 找一篇跟这篇文章有关联的英语文章 可以是关于希特勒 也可以关于拿破仑 也可以关于二次大战 也可以关于天气自然如何影响人类 或者是俄罗斯天气对当地的影响等等 1000字左右的长篇英语文章 找出来以后再自己用英文写100字的推荐理由 要求星期四晚上之前上交 供班级阅读 因为自己课业紧 没有充足的时间 而且占平时成绩很大比例 比较重要 主要是文章找不到好一点的(最好能中英对照..全英文也可以..因为自己也要知道推荐的文章内容..)还有推荐理由也写不好 T T 感激不尽!其实想多加点悬赏的毕竟这个要求比较多 因为最高只能100了..找到了以后多悬赏几百 T T
大二英语课堂作业 先找一篇推荐文章 再简要概括推荐理由
The Icy Defender is a great essay because it describes a story with so much exciting detail. As we know, a perfect story always contain the really history and a lot of artistic detail. So I decide to choose this article to tell everyone the really history of the turning point of World War II.
再问: 请问您找的这篇文章也是说俄罗斯冰雪卫士的吗 0 0还有您推荐理由可不可以多用点词汇 开头用This article is primary concerned with these issues 然后概括下文章大意 再说The reasons why i choose this article are as follows 再罗列一些理由呢 >< 谢谢您!
再答: 这篇就是讲斯大林格勒战役的啊。。。当年德军被冻死的差不多了就输了,不就是所谓的:冰雪卫士“么。。。。。 This article is primary concerned with these issues, such as the how important this battle was, the way of russia's so-called Icy Defender helped Stalingrad to fight and the the reslut of Russia's victory with Icy Defender's help to the World War II, even to the whole world. The reasons why i choose this article are as follows. First, I believe that a perfect story always contain the really history and a lot of artistic detail. So I decide to choose this article to tell everyone the really history of the turning point of World War II. Sceond, this article is the story of one of the most important battle in human history, if the battle's winner changes, our today's life would be totally different. Third, it is a really interesting story even it's a serious history article. So, just enjoy it!