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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 18:29:50
1.【非谓语】The old lady looked at the children (to cross the road).
look后为什么加to do呢?
2.【非谓语】The house they (had washed away) in the floods must be rebuilt before before winter comes.
3.【状语从句】We found the key (where) she had left it.
4.【状语从句】We found the books two days (after) he had gone away.
5.【状语从句】He speaks English (as if) he were an Englishman.
6.【状语从句】Do not leave the room (before) you have finished the test.
6.【状语从句】[1](Whoever) will do the experiment comes to the professor's office.
[2](Who) will do the experiment hasn't been decided.
1 加 to do 呢就表示看完整个过程,再次是小孩过马路的整个过程,不加的话就单纯地是“看”这一动作,持续时间很短
2你应该打少了或打错了一些单词,应该没有they ,括号内应该是(had been washed away),意思呢是:被洪水冲走(或冲垮)的房子必须要在冬天来临之前重建好.
4句子意思是:我们在他离开了之后找到了这两本书.found 发生在他走之后,为一般过去时,如果改为before 的话,found 就表示发生在他走之前,这时句子得要用过去完成时,即在found 之前加had
5 as if 在此表示“好像”的意思,他说英语很好,就好像他是英国人似的.单独一个as没有这个意思
例如:who are you?
whoever (pron). 谁
⑴连接代词,引导名词性从句(=anybody that)
Whoever comes will be welcome. 谁来都欢迎.
Give it to whoever you like. 你喜欢给谁就给谁.
再问: 哥,你第六题没打全吧 烦请打全一下呗~小弟我不太明白
再答: 抱歉哈,这部分我也不能说得很清楚,只能借鉴一下别人的,英语这东西有些只可意会不可言传,你懂的哈,希望能对你有所帮助,其实对于这类辨析词的题多做些题就能培养起传说中的“语感”,即看一眼就能很自然很本能地知道神马是神马了。 ⑵做疑问代词(比who语气重) Whoever said that? 是谁讲的那话? Whoever can that be knocking at the door? 敲门的会是谁呢? conj. 不管是谁(引导状语从句,=no matter who) Whoever rings, tell him I'm out. 不管谁来电话,告诉他我不在家. 例题: ______ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 那D为什么不能选? 选C whoever“无论谁”,可以引导主语从句,不能用anyone 引导从句。 whoever既是从句leave the room last 的主格,又是“ought to turn off the lights ”的主语 无论谁最后离开这间房都应该关灯。 是在什么情况下用who,关键是看句子强调不强调“任何人”,不强调,则可用who。 请看这道题: We'll give a hand to( )needs it. A.whom B.who C.that D.whoever 一眼就能看出应该选D,不过为什么不选B? 因为要在从句中作主语,而who不能单独作主语。如果用who可以说those who need it
再问: 多谢多谢~~~ 再问一个啊,麻烦一下…… 第一题The old lady looked at the children to cross the road. 有加to do的用法吗?我怎么没听过也搜不到啊,答案没错吗?
再答: 我刚刚问了些英语很厉害的人,他们说有那个用法,不过比较少见,所以以后尽量少用哈 记得采纳答案 加分哈