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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:17:14
In the book,you can never find on Saren's subjective evaluation.Of not only telling but never comment,this is a lot of people hate the one hand,Saren,on the other hand there are many reasons for the poor.You can not say vanity is a sin,the eternal law of society is a "water flows downwards with the flow",each person has to seek a higher material standard of living rights of the mistake in going too this step Saren Far.The economic base determines the superstructure,but the physical conditions are not the only measure of all weight,especially when you link the material and love,it is likely to confuse the true value of love.Saren dissatisfied constraints of life,thinks the chief culprit in causing boring married life is the inability of the husband can not provide good living conditions.Entangled in romance novels are unrealistic but extraordinary aristocratic love,an unexpected invitation to get high society party has become difficult for her to let go of the knot,Saren never based on reality but rather focus on the dream,she is after all just a Of ordinary people,but lady-like on the day fantasy romantic and luxurious living,it is natural,realistic and there is a huge gap between the dream,and in the process of vigorously ignore the tragic gap between the staged scenes.Not easy to meet people who always lose a lot more,and he is used too,not to fantasy,who said there would be nothing exciting life of happiness,who said there would be no love in the bread and water,so Dream is full,the reality is very skinny,and treasure the most important thing now."
英语翻译翻译这一段,要求过渡自然、连贯有一定文采,不能太简单.分全给你了“你永远无法在书中找出关于Saren的主观评价. 英语翻译句子尽量不要太复杂,最好是简单句型,一定不能有无法错误哦~1.我为我是一个中国人感到自豪.2.地震夺去了很多人的 英语翻译要求:2000字的英文,要有中文翻译~你要好多我给你好多 ··~我这里还有400分·~搞了我全给你·~ 英语翻译要求翻译的有文采一点的,不要直译看见你眼里坚硬的石块 这翻译的也太烂了吧?前面几句我的翻译:看到你眼若冰霜看到你 英语翻译关于毛巾的种类太多了,真的没法一一给你列举.我简单的在附件中整理了一下最常规的规格,不知道是否有你想要的那种.我 水立方和鸟巢的简介编报用的.要简单一些,但不要太简单.急用.两个都要的.好的分全给你了!谢谢大虾们. 英语翻译很简单的一份中文简历需要翻译下,朋友找我帮忙,但我英文是在太烂.先追50分 事成再加50分 ,好朋友的不能耽误了 英语翻译哪位朋友能翻译成英文最好,不能也没关系!不过千万别写的太有水平让我无法翻译呀.麻烦各位朋友了! 如果我们在人群中走散了,我永远会在原地等着你 英文翻译,翻译得要有文采哦 英语翻译请帮我翻译下以下的句子,要感觉高级点哦~太简单的就算了咱俩谁跟谁阿 怎么是你,怎么老是你?你有种,我要给你点颜色 英语翻译我这里的分都用完了,不能给你加了,你能多告诉我点这词的背景吗? 英语翻译我想明白了,应该是“在过渡部分”的意思。transfer有过渡的意思