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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 19:24:43
And the picture is another matter of the film are expected,in the " 'silver' vengeance in",or do I give you the Kok sub-camera.For example :paradise beauty,the beaches planned Rhine,the moon hanging high above the cream,dark blue autumn,the Arctic aurora and meteor each film sky,and the thin spring to the public all over the sky unrestrained British seas,the sea Atlantis City...Frankly speaking,and you would like to take X-ray,was using up your reputation as a film,you have the world's first director said,at least I think so,sometimes I do not even think you,but God must have been an alien or gift to mankind,the gift to mankind seven art,really!I want to use your camera language convey me to this world view,this is a bold and naive,you have to understand my reckless,but I also hope that you will agree to my request,I know that the investment of a film is a very careful,not so hasty,but I also know that you really would like to once again boarded the Oscar podium.and you do not seem to be a film script,future films,if you ...well,I think only the "Lincoln Biography" allows you to glory,and that the "Duobao an army suddenly appearing from nowhere 4> and" Jurassic Park 4> and "destroyed" is just the box office success,and they will not be double-harvest Arts box office,and its box office is ultimately no more than "Titanic," or a "Zhihuanwang" and the "Lincoln Biography" artistic level did not exceed the "Xindelei list," because I agree Arts peak,unless there are more profound themes,and I do not,said their imagined two works,and can Tuoerjin Mr.lifelong effort than can not even mentioned in the same breath,because I think the next 10 years can not be one of the literary works can transcend it,I feel task.But Jackson is a lucky child,he firmly seize the excellent work of the law handed down for generations,and I just have to say my naive dream then.
英语翻译而电影现画面是另一个令人期待的方面,在<’犹大’复仇记>中,我给您做到手软的角本分镜头.比如说:天堂美景,椰风海 求一部核战争电影,有一个镜头是在太空拍摄的地球核爆炸的画面 英语翻译众所周知,长城以历史悠久而著名.(As)这是我第一次参加这么令人感到兴奋的活动.(attend)同学们都期待着去 天堂存在平行宇宙中有人说天堂不存在 死了跟睡觉一样 但我不赞同 我认为天堂不在天上 而在宇宙的另一个空间里面 如果说我们 英语翻译帮我翻译几句话 也许他很期待这部电影,所以他高兴得把手举起来了这是一幅很简单的画面,但也是一幅很温馨的画面 用英语翻译:阳朔因自然美景闻名天下,其令人心旷神怡的美和深厚的传统文化给我留下了深刻的印象 英语翻译《最后的晚餐》是达•芬奇为米兰圣玛丽亚修道院食堂而作的壁画,取材于《圣经》中耶稣被他的门徒犹大出卖的 为什么说1942这部电影缺乏人情味,这部电影我看完之后深感人性的丑恶,导演在挖掘人性方面已经做到极致了 英语翻译,一个多么令人吃惊的画面啊! 英语翻译“昨天晚上,我看了一部电影,是一部恐怖片,讲述了用手机来复仇杀人.还是挺恐怖的,是一部日本电影.”这句翻译下.“ 英语翻译镜头语言是电影艺术在传达和交流信息中所使用的各种特殊媒介、方式和手段的统称.即电影用以认识和反映客观世界、传递思 英语翻译翻译本句:“如果你可以给我一个期待,而不是随遇而安的蒲公英.如果你可以给我一双翅膀,我会寻到你的天堂.” 译成英