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一.翻译句子1.很久以前,猎人们捕捉动物只为了他们的肉 Long,long ago,hunters___animals

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 04:22:22
一.翻译句子1.很久以前,猎人们捕捉动物只为了他们的肉 Long,long ago,hunters___animals just___2.我们需要采取措施保护处于危险中的动物 We need to___3.如果人们继续开发新的耕地,野生动物将没有足够的食物和空间 If people continue___,wild animals___4.熊猫妈妈一次只能生一到两个宝宝 Mother pandas___at one time5.如果熊猫没有足够的竹笋和竹叶吃,他们会死 If giands___,they___6.熊猫在危险之中,我们应该尽力保护他们 Our giant pandas are___.We___7.将来我们要为熊猫建立更多的保护区We___giant pandas 8.对于父母来说,鼓励孩子努力学习是很重要的 ___parents___their children___9.汤姆五岁时第一次来中国 When Tom was 5,he___tochina___
一.翻译句子1.很久以前,猎人们捕捉动物只为了他们的肉 Long,long ago,hunters___animals
1.hunted for their meat 2.take actions to protect endangered animals. 3.to make new farmland,will not have enough food and space 4.have one or two babies 5.don't have enough bamboo shoots and bamboos,will die. 6.in danger, should try our best to protect them. 7.will build more reserves for giant pandas in the future. 8.It's important for to encourage to work hard. 9.came for the first time.