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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 17:25:13
Everyone has a memorable things,of course,I am no exception.
Everyone has a memorable thing,please tell us.
再问: 我要的是一整段啊谢谢,最好是关于老师的
再答: 你看你的问题是什么

My Favourite Teacher
Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.
She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.
She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.
This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?

再问: 我要的是详细描述一件事的
再答: 那是发生在我上一年级的时候。有一天中午,我回家吃饭。在路上就觉得肚子不舒服,后来跌跌撞撞的走回家,连饭也吃不下了,妈妈看我肚子那么疼,赶紧背着我去医院。到医院时已经2点了,再加上挂号、看病、拿药都三点半了,早已放学了。我想:“完了,作业还不知道呢,明天该怎么上交呀!再说了,也没给老师请假,那怎么办呀?”回家后,我想打电话给同学问问,但电话本又找不到了,哎,都怪我平时太丢三落四了。

It happened in the first grade when I. One day at noon, I went home to eat. On the road will feel belly uncomfortable, then stumbled to walk home, couldn't eat, my mother to see my stomach so sore, hurriedly carrying me to the hospital. The hospital has 2 points, plus a registered doctor, take medicine,three thirty, long after school. I think: "finished, homework didn't know,tomorrow how on the pay! Besides, also did not give the teacher for leave,what can I do?" After returning home, I want to call the students to ask, but the phone book can not find, alas, all blame I'm too forgetful.
Tomorrow morning, I came to school with anxious mood. The second lesson,the teacher said to the surface batch, called the name of who who took the jobup.
再问: 不要翻译
再答: 嗯嗯
再答: 求采纳!