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Have\Has +P.P 等于过去式的原则

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:25:42
Have\Has +P.P 等于过去式的原则
Have\Has +P.P 等于过去式的原则
① He often go to the cinema.
②My sister wears glasses.
③I go to the school every day.
2〕表示现在或经常性的情况或状态, e.g.
①Mother is ill.
②He likes living in the country.
3〕表示现在的能力,特征,职业等 , e.g.
①He sings well.(能力)
② My father gets up early. (习惯)
③Miss Dothy teaches English. (职业)
④This machine runs smoothly. (特征)
4〕表示客观真理,科学事实 ,格言以及不受时间限制的客观存在的事实 , e.g.
①Summer follows spring. (客观规律)
②The earth runs around the sun. (客观规律)
③Fire burns. (客观事实)
④Knowledge is power. (客观真理)
①I'll write to her when I have time.
②If we hurry up, we can catch the bus.
③Tell me in case you get into difficulty.
①Whatever you say, I won't pay.
②Whether you help him or not, he will fail.
③Next time I'll do as he says.
The more you eat, the fatter you (will) become.
① I'll give you anything you ask for.
② He'll give anyone $5,000 who help him with his Russian
5〕表示按规定,时间表 ,计划或安排要发生的动作,用一般现在时表将来,e.g.
①Are you on duty next weekend
②The train leaves at 12:00.
6〕在make sure (弄清楚),make certain (弄清楚) ,mind (注意),watch (注意),take care (注意,当心) be careful (注意,当心)等后的that从句中用一般现在时表将来,e.g.
①We must take care that no one sees us.
②Make sure you lock the door before you leave.
③Be careful that you don't hurt her feelings.
④Watch that the baby doesn't go near the heater.
7〕在it doesn't matter, I don't care, I don't mind等结构后以及类似结构后的名词性从句用一般现在时表将来,e.g.
①It doesn't matter where we go on holiday.
②Does it matter who goes first
③I don't care whether we win or lose.
8〕主句是将来完成时态,从句有by the time 所引导的从句用一般现在时表将来(主句是过去完成时态,从句有by the time 所引导的从句用一般过去时),e.g.
By the time he comes, I'll have left. ( By the time he came, I had left. )
We often played together when we were children.
注:表示过去习惯性的动作,可用would, used to, e.g.He used to work by bus.
①He bought the computer five years ago.
②It was then a small fishing village.
①I wondered if you were free this evening.
②I thought you might like some flowers.
(注:过去进行时也可表示现在使语气更委婉,客气,eg.① I was wondering if you could give me a lift. ②We were hoping you would stay with us.能这样用的动词主要限于want, wonder , think, hope, intend等少数动词.)
2 〕一般过去时态用于某些特殊结构中表现在,这些结构主要是it's time…,I wish…, I would rather…,if only…,
as if…, as though…等:
①It's time we started.
②I wish I knew his name.
③I'd rather you lived with us.
注:would rather等还可用一般过去时表将来.e.g.I would rather you came next Monday.
We shall have a lot of rain next month.
2.表示将来时的常见用法及区别:be to/be going to/be about to/be+v-ing/be due to/will/shall +动原
①--You forget to close the door.
--Oh, I'll close it at once.
②--Ann is in hospital.
--Oh,really I didn't know. I'll go and visit her.
2〕表示迹象表明要发生某事,则只能用be going to,e.g.
Look at the dark clouds.It's going to rain.
3〕be going to还有以下用法,e.g.
I'm going to wash the car if I have time. (注意:此时不能用 be+v-ing, be+v-ing表示将来,主要强调已经作出的 安排,e.g. I'm picking you up at 6:00,don't forget. )
--Ann is in hospital.
--Yes, I know. I'm going to visit her tomorrow.
4〕be to:①命中注定的事,隐含在未来之中的事,
I think we are to meet again many years later.
You're to do your homework before you watch TV.
Are we to hand in the papers at 10:30
5〕be about to表示动作之快的将来,其后不能接时间状语,它与be on the point of doing sth.相似,
① Autumn is about to start.
②They are on the point of starting.
6〕be due to与时间表,旅行计划等有关,e.g.
① The train is due to leave at 7:00.
② He is due to leave very soon.
①He has left the city.(结果:他不在这个城市)
②Someone has broken the window.(结果: 窗户仍破着)
① Have you waited long
② We have been busy this afternoon.
①I haven't seen her since last week.
②Where have you been since I last saw you
2〕句中有so far/in (for/during)the past (last)years(months… )/up to now/until now等短语则句中谓语用现在完成时,e.g.
①So far there has been no news.
②She hasn't had any friends so far.
③In the past two years I've seen him three times.
④He has been in Guangdong (for)the last month.
⑤Up to now, the work has been very easy.
3〕"It/This/That is the first (second/third…)time+that从句"或"It/This/That is the only…+that从句"
或"It/This/That is the +最高级… + that从句"从句中谓语用现在完成时,e.g.
①It/This/That is the first time that I have come to Zhejiang.
②It/This/That is the only party that I have ever really enjoyed in my life.
③It/This/That is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
①I've lived here for ten years. (现在仍住在这儿 )
② I lived here for ten years. (现在不住在这儿 )
③He has bought a house. (现在已拥有这房子)
④ He bought a house. (现在拥不拥有这房子,不知道,只是知道买了房子,现在可能拥有也可能卖掉了)
4."have been to +地点"与"have gone to+地点",前者表示去过某地,说话的时候已不在去过的地方,现在在对方的身边,而后者表示说话的时候,去某地的人不在场,可能到达某地,也可能在去某地的路上,反正不在说话者的身边.e.g.
①He has been to Paris three times.
② He has gone to Paris.
六.过去完成时(had + p.p.)
①He had left when I arrived.
②By six o'clock he had worked twelve hours.
2.want /think/hope/plan/mean/expect/intend/suppose等动词的过去完成时+不定式的一般式(等于这些动词的一般过去式后接不定式的完成式),表示过去为曾实现的愿望,打算,想法等e.g.
①I had meant to come, but something happened.(= I meant to have come, but something happened. )
②I had intended to speak at the meeting, but time didn't permit. (= I intended to have spoken at the meeting, but time didn't permit. )
1〕"It/This/That was the first (second/third…)time+that从句"或"It/This/That was the only…+that从句"或"It/This/That was the +最高级… + that从句"从句中谓语用过去完成时.
2〕by( the end of )+过去时间,句中谓语用过去完成时,e.g.
①We had learnt 3,000 words by the end of last term.
②By 8:00a.m. yesterday, we had arrived the park.
3〕by the time+一般过去式,主句中谓语用过去完成时,e.g.
By the time he came back, we had repaired the machine.
4〕No sooner + had+主语+p.p. +than +一般过去
时/Hardly + had+主语+p.p. + when +一般过去时/Scarcely + had+主语+p.p. + when /before+一般过去时/Barely + had+主语+p.p. + before+一般过去时e.g.
①No sooner had he gone to the garden than his son went to play with his classmates.
②Hardly had he heard the news when he cried.
七.现在进行时( be+v--ing ):
1.基本用法:表示说话人在说话时正在进行的动作,或不断重复的动作或目前这个阶段( 不一定是说话的时候 )正在进行的动作,e.g.
①We're having a meeting. (说话时正在进行的动作)
②He is teaching in a school. (目前这个阶段正在进行的动作)
①I'm leaving tomorrow.
②They are getting married next week.
①I'm not going out this evening.
②What time does the train leave
3.现在进行时与always/forever/constantly /
①She's always helping others.
②She's constantly changing her mind.
①She is foolish.(生性如此)
②She is being foolish.(一时的表现)
能这样用的形容词多为angry, careful, clever, stupid, kind, brave, friendly, rude, polite等动态形容词.
八.过去进行时(was/were +v--ing )
He was playing while I was studying.
2.过去进行时表示现在,主要使语气更委婉,客气,eg.① I was wondering if you could give me a lift. ②We were hoping you would stay with us.能这样用的动词主要限于want, wonder , think, hope, intend等少数动词.
3.过去进行时与always/forever/constantly /
①She's always helping others.
② They were always quarrelling.
①She was friendly.(生性如此)
②She was being friendly.(一时的表现)