作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.I don’t know_____come back soon____back,I’ll let you know.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 01:45:05
1.I don’t know_____come back soon____back,I’ll let you know.
A.if the girl will,if she comes B.whether will the girl,if she will come
C.if will the girl,whether she comes D.whether the girl will,whether she comes
2.when she got home,it was early morning,she___the door.The door opened itself
A.pulled open B.unlooked C.knocked on
3.chairman Hu is the first one visit to Brazi 错误
Chairman Hu is on his first visit to Brazi 正确
4.I___over 2500 kinds of stamps so far
A.collected B.have collecting C.have collected
5.I’m thirsty.Let’s got something to drinks
6.The room is so dirty ___we clean it?
A.will B.would C.Do D.shall
7.wear和dress、put on ,be in 都有什么区别
8.Your father is sleeping,you’d better___
A.not wake up him B.not to wake up him C.not wake him up
D.not to wake him up
9.The robot to tell the washing machine___next
A.how to do B.what to do C.what to do it D.why to do it
10.Where have you been?We are lookling for you
为什么不是look for you或是have been lookinig for you
11.He look like her very much为什么不是she ,介词后的人称代词是不是都要宾格形式
12.I hope that doctors will be able to keep us alive___a long time
A.to B.with C.for D.after
为什么不是alive to be
13.Don’t speak in a loudly.The baby is sleeping
14.We could give him a ticket___a ball game
A.to B.of C.in D.at
15.Many books and newspaper in the world are written_____English language.
A.with the B with C.in the D.in
16.I prefer____outside to ___at home on Sunday
A.play,staying B.to play,stay C.playing,stay D.to play,staying
到底是那个?有prefer to
17.Peter said he was sorry he ____the key
A.lost B.had lost C.loses D.lose
18.she said Jack ___come to the party,but I don’t think so
A.can B.might C.need D.must
19.Mr little met a nice girl at the club ,one day and they played a game of pingpong against another young man and woman.Mr little play very____
A.bad B.badly
20.My sister likes to wear the same hat____
A.as I do B.likes me Clike me D.like,myself
1.I don’t know_____come back soon____back,I’ll let you know.
1.I don’t know_____come back soon.____back, I’ll let you know.
A.if the girl will,if she comes B.whether will the girl,if she will come
C.if will the girl,whether she comes D.whether the girl will,whether she comes
2.when she got home,it was early morning,she___the door.The door opened itself
A.pulled open B.unlooked C.knocked on
答:当她回到家,已经是凌晨了,她... ,门自动开了.A不对,因为只能说she pulled the door open;B也不对,unlock 开锁,既然门自动开了,就不存在开锁的动作.所以答案是C,她敲了一下门,门就自动开了.
3.chairman Hu is the first one visit to Brazi 错误
Chairman Hu is on his first visit to Brazi 正确
答:on a visit to somewhere 是个词组.第一句要写正确应该是这样的:chairman Hu is the first one to visit Brazi .(visit是及物动词,后面直接接Brazil.the first one 后面接的是不定式,要加个to
4.I___over 2500 kinds of stamps so far
A.collected B.have collecting C.have collected
答:so far “到目前为止”,用在完成时态中.现在完成时态由“have/has+动词过去分词”构成,没有B这种时态形式.
5.I’m thirsty.Let’s got something to drinks
6.The room is so dirty ___we clean it?
A.will B.would C.Do D.shall
答:在英式英语中,第一人称用shall,不用will;另一方面,shall含有“应该”之意.would 是will 的过去式.
7.wear和dress、put on , be in 都有什么区别
wear:动词,穿着.我穿着一件T恤衫. I am wearing a T-shirt.
dress :A,名词.(女)衣服 B,动词,穿着,通常用“be dressed”.The baby is dressed in red.那小宝宝穿着红色衣服.
put on :动词词组,“穿上”.Please put on this T-shirt!请穿上这T恤.
be in ...:介词词组,“穿着..”;“穿着什么颜色的衣服”.She is in red.她穿着红色衣服.
8.Your father is sleeping,you’d better___
A.not wake up him B.not to wake up him C.not wake him up
D.not to wake him up
答:had better直接加动词原形(不要to);同时,像wake up这种动词加副词的结构中,代词必须放中间,所以选C.
9.The robot to tell the washing machine___next
A.how to do B.what to do C.what to do it D.why to do it
选B.中间的引导词,必须是do的宾语,可看作“the washing machine do what”.选A,就缺少do的逻辑宾语了.
10.Where have you been? We are lookling for you
为什么不是look for you或是have been lookinig for you
11.He look like her very much为什么不是she ,介词后的人称代词是不是都要宾格形式
12.I hope that doctors will be able to keep us alive___a long time
A.to B.with C.for D.after
为什么不是alive to be
答:选C.“keep...for a long time”(保存很长时间)keep这样的延续动词接一段时间,介词for引导一段时间.“alive to be a long time ”说不通.
13.Don’t speak in a loudly.The baby is sleeping
答:你写错了.应该是Don’t speak in a loud voice 或者Don’t speak loudly.前者loud是形容词,修饰voice;后者loudly 是副词,修饰speak“说”这个动作.你应该知道修饰名词用形容词,修饰动作用副词.
14.We could give him a ticket___a ball game
A.to B. of C.in D.at
答:选to 表示方向性“到...” .我们可以给他一张(到球赛场地看)球赛的票.
15.Many books and newspaper in the world are written_____English language.
A.with the B with C.in the D. in
答:in English是固定搭配,但这里后面多了language,所以选A.the English language “英语”.with ... 表借助于什么.
16.I prefer____outside to ___at home on Sunday
A.play,staying B.to play,stay C.playing,stay D.to play,staying
到底是那个?有prefer to doing这是什么意思?这个词详解一下
答:选D.前者prefer 可以接不定式( to do sth),也可以接动名词prefer doing sth.但是后面的一个to是个介词,就只能接名词或者动名词了.
17.Peter said he was sorry he ____the key
A.lost B.had lost C.loses D.lose
答:Peter said 注意said的形式,已经是“过去”了.他说的内容包含在“过去”的过去里面,因此用过去完成时.
18.she said Jack ___come to the party,but I don’t think so
A.can B.might C.need D.must
答:must表示“一定”,相当地有把握.而might只是表示“有可能”.注意后面的“I don’t think so”你就明白了.
19.Mr little met a nice girl at the club ,one day and they played a game of pingpong against another young man and woman.Mr little play very____
A.bad B.badly
20.My sister likes to wear the same hat____
A.as I do B.likes me Clike me D.like,myself
答:D语法不对,主语不是I ,所以后面不用反身代词.B语法也不对,like 做介词 “像.”时,没有第三人称单数.C这里也不对,like me的意思是:动词是“喜欢我”(肯定不对)或者做介词是“像我”.这里并不是My sister 长得像我,也不是My sister 的帽子像我.as 此处是并列连词“像...”,连接两个结构类似的并列分句.as I do (=as I wear the ... hat),避免重复,用do 代替具体动作.