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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:58:37
老板要我把英文菜谱翻成中文的 可是菜谱里有好多东西都不是英语的
我只知道crostini貌似是种意大利的食物 具体是什么请高手指教啊
在意大利, “ crostini ”是指“小祝酒词, ”这是一个非常准确的描述食品。 Crostini are made by thinly slicing bread, typically plain white bread, and toasting or grilling so that it becomes crispy. Crostini是由薄切片面包,通常白色面包,干杯或烤,使之成为酥脆。 The crostini may be drizzled with olive oil and salt and served plain, or they may be dressed with an assortment of toppings and used as appetizers or garnishes on foods like soups.该crostini可drizzled用橄榄油和盐,并平原,或者也可以穿着有各种各样的配料,并用作开胃菜或像汤类食品。 Crostini are very easy to make at home, and they can also be purchased, packaged, at many grocers and import stores. Crostini很容易在家里,他们也可以购买,包装,在许多超市和进口商店。
There are a number of uses for the toasted bread.有一些使用的烤面包。 Some bars put out plain crostini as bar snacks, since the salt and oil encourage people to drink more, while the bread assists with digestion.一些酒吧熄平原crostini作为酒吧小吃,因为盐和石油鼓励人们多喝水,而面包协助消化。 Crostini or toasted crackers are also often used for the bases of appetizers, as in the case of crostini grilled with heirloom tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, for example. Crostini或烤饼干也常常被用于基地的开胃菜,如crostini烤与传家宝西红柿和莫扎里拉奶酪,例如。 Sometimes, crostini is served as a side dish with foods like steak tartare.有时, crostini是作为食品小菜与鞑靼牛排一样。 Crostini may also be floated on soups, and is sometimes toasted with various cheeses in this instance. Crostini也可浮动汤,有时烤各种奶酪在这种情况下。 In this sense, crostini can be used like croutons .从这个意义上讲, crostini可用于像蒜香 。
To make crostini, many cooks use custom made loaves which make perfectly sized crostini.为了使crostini ,许多厨师使用定制面包使完美尺寸crostini 。 They can also be made from any type of Italian bread , such as ciabatta.他们也可以从任何类型的意大利面包 ,如ciabatta 。 As a general rule, each individual crostini is designed to be held easily in the hand, and is potentially bite-sized as well.作为一般规则,每个crostini是专为举行容易在手,可能是咬大小以及。 The bread is sliced very thinly, and the slices are grilled or toasted in an oven before being brushed with olive oil.切片面包是非常薄,和切片的烤或在微波炉烤前刷橄榄油。
Once prepared, crostini can be stored in an airtight container until they are needed.一旦做好准备, crostini可以储存在一个密闭容器,直到他们是必要的。 They can also be served plain and warm, or they can be baked again with toppings and served hot or cold as appetizers.它们也可以担任平原和热情,也可以是烤再次浇头和热或冷开胃。 Cold crostini may also be spread with things like cheese and pate, creating an appetizer similar to the canape.冷战crostini也可能蔓延像奶酪和肉酱,创造一个有开胃类似canape 。
Because they are thin and toasted, crostini tend to be very hard.因为他们是薄,烤, crostini往往是非常艰苦。 When they are used like croutons in soup, the soup tends to soften them, but they retain a bready texture even with soaking, so that they will not dissolve entirely into the soap.当他们用像蒜香汤,汤趋于缓和,但他们保留bready质地即使浸泡,因此,他们不会解散完全融入肥皂。 Other sauces and dressing may soften crostini slightly, making them easier to eat.其他调味料和敷料可能略有软化crostini ,使他们更容易吃。 Since crostini hold their consistency well, they make a good base for appetizers being made ahead of time, since they should not become soggy.自crostini举行的一致性好,他们有一个良好的基础,开胃正在提前,因为它们不应该成为潮湿。 If the crostini are going to be served warm, the ingredients can be assembled beforehand so that the crostini are ready to slide into an oven at the last minute.如果crostini要送达温馨,成分可组装事先使crostini准备滑入烤箱在最后一分钟。