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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:34:50
功能翻译论认为,作为两种独立的具有不同价值的文本,源语文本和目的语文本有其不同的目的和功能.作者通过源语文本传达信息,译者则根据译文的预期功能,结合译文读者的“社会文化背景知识、对译文的期待、感应力或社会知识以及交际需要”来将源语的语言和文化信息有条件地传递给目的语的接受者,有时甚至可以酌情改写(Adaptation) (Nord ,2001)
3.4 News English title translation strategies translation from the functional point of analysis
Functional Theory different purpose and function as two separate text has a different value, the source text and the target text. Of source language to convey this information, the translator is expected to function according to the translation, binding asked readers to the social and cultural background, and look forward to the translation, the induction force or social knowledge, and communication needs to the language and culture of the source language information conditionally passed to the recipients of the target language, and sometimes even have the discretion to rewrite (Adaptation) (Nord, 2001)
Different cultural psychological mode of thinking, customs, values and language style different view of the original translation and its readers, in order to achieve the communicative purpose of the translation, the translation process of soft news, the translator also need to understand the basis of the original on, starting from the point of view of the target readers, translated into the language of cognitive, creative way of thinking and expression converts the original easy readers to accept the translation (Lu Wei, 2002). Lu Wei on soft news translation discusses the same applies to the translation of English news headlines, encountered due to differences in Chinese and English language, cultural values differences, differences of rhetoric can not word by word sentence by sentence a "dead interpret" the translator can compile discretion, can break the reorganization translation of the vocabulary of the original part of speech, syntactic structure, rhetoric, encountered when there are obvious differences between Chinese and Western news values, and the translators can even change the angle of the headlines discourse.
英语翻译3.4.从功能翻译角度分析新闻英语标题的翻译策略功能翻译论认为,作为两种独立的具有不同价值的文本,源语文本和目的 英语翻译3.3.从功能翻译角度分析新闻英语标题的翻译标准新闻传播是一种典型的大众传播行为,其功能主要是传播信息、教导公众 英语翻译功能对等视角下美剧《生活大爆炸》的翻译策略, 从语言的结构,功能和传播的角度,分析口语和书面语的不同 英语翻译求翻译下段文字---本研究的主要目的是为了论证“功能对等”理论对汉英旅游资源翻译工作所具有的指导意义,以及如何在 英语翻译本文主要对科技英语中长句的概况做详细的介绍,长句的分类与分析以及功能与作用,科技英语长句的翻译策略.在大量实例的 英语翻译浅析新闻评论的社会引导功能作者:田超 指导老师:金松林求翻译内容摘要:新闻评论这一特殊新闻写作体裁,在中国近年来 从生态系统中功能的角度分析,蘑菇属于 英语翻译在翻译理论中,认为翻译是一种行为,并且是一种有目的的行为,即译文总是要在目标语环境下实现预期的功能,而任何妨碍这 “从词汇学角度浅谈英式英语和美式英语的不同” 这句话怎么翻译 英语翻译英语广告的翻译是翻译学的重要领域,因此英语广告翻译策略也是翻译领域所要解决的头等大事.本论文从英语广告的特点出发 英语翻译..一定要有整句翻译功能的,