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英语翻译Hope that you are doing great over there.How was your da

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 21:22:01
Hope that you are doing great over there.How was your day?I am doing great and i just take my shower and about to go to eat.
What is your favourite colour?food?I hope that you can prepare a delicious seafood for me the day i will set my foot in your country.Have you ever imagined what it would look like and how you would feel?Well am telling you all this now so that you can start your practise.Darling i have strong confidense in you and i know that you are very hard working,with me am sure you will achieve greater things.The kindnesses in your heart will guide you to accomplish many things in life and overcome all challenges and all obstacles.Never give up,always have faith in yourself,and you will gain the greatest gift of all,the gift of hope and love you rightly deserve.
Whatever you do,never let anyone stand in the way of you pursuing your dreams.You will always have me to rely on,no matter what you may decide to do.Be open to me and don't hide anything okay,i promise to always be there for you,to help,support,and love you.I wish you only the best.
Alright i will stop here,take good care of yourself my darling wife.
英语翻译Hope that you are doing great over there.How was your da
希望你在那边一切顺利 最近如何 我这边一切安好 我刚洗澡 现在准备吃东西
你最喜欢什么颜色和食物?我希望在我踏入你们国家的那天你就给我准备美味的海鲜 你有没有想象过我长什么样 你对我会有怎样的感觉 现在我就告诉你你可以准备起来 亲爱的我对你很有信心 我知道你很努力 我可以肯定和我在一起你会有很大成就 你内心的善良会指引你完成生命中许多事 克服所有挑战和阻碍 永不放弃 坚持心中信仰 你会得到最伟大的礼物 希望和你应得的爱
无论你做什么 不要让他人成为你追逐梦想的绊脚石 无论你决定做什么 我都支持你 对我敞开你的心扉 不要有所隐瞒 我答应你永远在你身边 帮助你支持你爱你 我希望你是最好的
今天就到这 亲爱的妻子请照顾好自己