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1.----out first in the swiming cmpetition?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:53:15
1.----out first in the swiming cmpetition?
A.Who do you think came B.Who did you think come
2.----have passed the computer kill test.
A.Most of the people B.Most of people
3.The little girl was very happy when she saw the pigs----in her grandma's home.
A.grown B.raised
4.--I believe we've met somewhere before.
A.I don't think so.B.I'd rather not.
5.--Can I make any changes?
--You certainly can----.
A.if nessary B.when it nessary
6.She has a bad memory----figures.
A.on B.for
7.It----that he will come back from abroad next week.
A.hopes B.is hoped
8.America was----first called "India" by Columbus.
A.what B.the place
9.The way----English is practising speaking it as often as possible.
A.learning B.to learn
10.We always----Henry an honest man and we----him a good friend of ours.
A.consider;look on B.look upon;regard
1.----out first in the swiming cmpetition?
1.A.主句(do you think)是一般现在时 ,从句(came)可以是任何时态,主句是一般过去时,从句时过去的某种时态
2.A.Most of加范围,表示该范围内的大多数
4.A.可以把I believe we've met somewhere before.理解为 Do you believe we've met somewhere before?故答语应表明自己的意见.
5.A.if nessary 是惯用表达法
6.B.have a memory for ...记住一首歌Memory For You
7.B.It is hoped that ...
8.A.what 充当2个成分,was 后的表语,call后面的宾语(call sth sth 把...称为...),call后面接双宾语
9.B.The way to do.
10.A.regard ...as...(as不能省略)