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求答.改错 .This bezch is dangerouser than the other one.Your mar

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 06:28:00
改错 .This bezch is dangerouser than the other one.
Your marks in the maths tests are highermine.
My question is more difficulter to answer than yours.
填比较级词语.1.The shirt is quite small.I need a ( ) one.
2.The exam was very easy.I was expecting it to be( ).
3.Maybe we will arrive late.we should take an ( ) teain.
4.What a boring programme!I thought it was going to be( )
1.Gold is( ) silver(expensive)。
2.Boys are not always( )girls.(strong)
3.Frends are( )money(important).
4.Food from street markets is often( )food from supermarkets.(fresh)
5.Money in the bank is ( ) money in your pocket.(safe)
6.Chongqing is( ) many other cities in China.(rainy)
7.Singapore is ( )Shenzhen.(hot)
8.Computers are( ) typewtiters.(useful)
9.Renmin Road is( ) other streets in Shenzhen.(crowded)
求答.改错 .This bezch is dangerouser than the other one.Your mar
dangerouser 改成 more dangerous
more difficult
more interesting
再问: 可以都解释下为什么么,万分感谢,这一节我完全没听懂,被老师训了一顿
再答: 好的。 你主要要知道比较级是怎么变化的: 单音节和大部分双音节词,一般都加er,若结尾是e,直接加r,若结尾是y,去y加ier 小部分双音节词和多音节词(大于等于三个音节),在词前加more 再写原型。 两者作比较,要用than连接。 例如:Tom is more interesting than John。 than万万不可少。 还有,两者比较用比较级,三者就要用最高级了 根据你的年级,只要这几点掌握就可以了。 补充问题 more expensive than stronger than more important than fresher than safer than rainier than hotter than more useful than more crowded than 满意请采纳,谢谢~~~
再问: 谢谢你,最后再问一个问题,这个most是什么时候可以出现的,还是什么时候都可以出现
再答: 你是说最高级吗? the most是加在三音节词前的。
再问: 打错了,是more
再答: more就是跟在adj原型前作为比较级的(这个adj是三音节及以上或一些双音节的形容词)双音节那些词直接加er,那些要加more,要靠平时积累的,没有规律