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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 19:24:49
It is well-known that some schools nowadays uses closed-off management to manage their students.About this phenomenon,different people have different opinions.
Some students think that schools use this method to limit their freedom,and result in they have less contacts with society.they also think they can't develop their own hobbies sufficiently,so they don't approve this kind of management.But others think that school is a place where you learn things,students should spend their whole attention on study.Students are lack of conscious,they need teachers to take care of them,both physically and spiritually.
In my opinion,closed-off management is good for students,because they need to focus on studying,and their age depends that they can't resist all kinds of allurs in society,they can be easily influenced by them.So adults like parents and teacher shloud give them a simple environment for them to grow up.So,I think closed-off management is a good and effctive way to raise children right.
英语翻译我们进行了激烈讨论后有的学生认为幸福就是金钱,有的认为幸福就是健康,还有大部分的同学认为幸福就是从父母那里得到财 英语翻译翻译成英语:在学校里,40%的学生认为好老师是对同学好,尊重学生,公平对待每一个学生,60%的学生却认为一个好老 有的学生认为,中学生的主要任务是学习科学文化知识,没必要参加公益... 学校组织学生植树,三年级学生和六年级学生共有120人,三年级学生两人种一棵树,六年级学生一人种两棵树.两个年级的学生一共 最近我们学校来了很多佛蒙特州的学生。英语翻译 有的学生认为,让家长在试卷上签名有利于帮助自己找出学习中的不足,提高学习成绩;有的学生认为,家长签字不但不能提高学习成绩 英语翻译面对繁重的高中学习任务,对于课外活动很多学生持拥护态度,热心学校各项运动,认为既可以学到实践知识,又可以得到放松 求写一篇英语作文!速度,1小时内有的学生认为考试成绩是个人隐私,不应该让其他人知道,因此他们认为考试不应该公布考试成绩, java程序设计学校中有老师和学生两类人,而在职研究生既是老师又是学生,对学生的管理和对教师的管理在他 英语翻译最近我们学校决定允许学生在课间听音乐,我们班的同学对此进行了讨论.一部分同学赞同认为这是一种很好的休息方式,还可 英语翻译“为促进学校全体老师和学生的英语学习,我校将举办英语晚会.” 我们学校的学生来自全国各地 用英语怎么说