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internet interpersonal relationship

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:36:34
internet interpersonal relationship
internet interpersonal relationship
没有网络以前,人们的社会性行为是通过人际关系来进行的,比如亲戚、朋友、同事、同学、服务/客户、伙伴等等.有些,比如亲戚,是天生就的;有些,比如朋友,是后天培育而形成;再有些,是默认开放的,比如服务/客户关系.那么,做事情,需要暨由人际关系中的人与人的交互而完成.有了互联网,意味着什么呢?它超越了人际关系,将所有的人互联,给了人们直接通达而不必借助原来人际关系的可能.换句话,是否可以说,互联网使得每个人的人际关系网络的可能一下子无限的增大.网络+自动化,原来需要借助人的接触的行为现在可以不必接触人,或者不必当面接触.在这种情况下,SNS中所强调的人际关系,重点又在什么地方?一个管理人际关系的集中服务地?还是旧的基于人际关系的社会行为惯性在网络上的残喘?找不着北了:( 人是社会性的生物.就拿学习来说,任何的学习,都是和人交互进行的.看看婴幼儿的学习,它们从大量接触到的人那里学习所需要的语言、技能等等.进入学校教育阶段,是跟着老师、和同学还可能有父母或者其他人学.工作以后,学习更多的是通过同事、朋友、团队.可见,人际关系对于学习的重要性.是不是可以发展出专业服务与学习的SNS网络,它不是拘泥于现有的人际关系,而是基于学习中寻求的关系?这种SNS网络中,人们不会在无聊的看着自己能够联系到多少人,而更注重的是自己所建立关系的用户对于自身学习的帮助,以及由于六度关系发展出来的学习网络的质量(对个人学习方向而言).如果说没有互联网以前的人际关系脉络狭小有限,那么互联网诞生之后的人际关系网络(不是强联系,而是所有的弱联系网)一下子大到无远弗界的混沌.现在出现的SNS网络的目的,则是要在这种混沌中重新塑造出清晰的网络人际出来.
internet interpersonal relationship
Without the network before,and people's social behavior through to the interpersonal,such as relatives,friends,colleagues,students,services / customers,partners and so on.Some,such as relatives,was born on; Some,such as friends and acquired cultivated,and formed; Some again,the default is open,For example,service / customer relationships.Well,things needed by the human relations and people-to-people interaction and completed.With the Internet,means what?It goes beyond relationships,all of the Internet,giving people direct access and not have to rely on the original interpersonal possible.In other words,can it be said that the Internet makes each person's interpersonal networks of unlimited potential suddenly increased.+ Network automation,the original needs to rely on the contacts of the contacts can not,or need not face-to-face contact.Under such circumstances,what the SNS relationships,the focus in what areas?A focus on the interpersonal management services to?Based on the old or the interpersonal social behavior inertia on the network among themselves?North could not find :(people are social organisms.Take the study,any study,and human interaction are conducted.look at the infant study,a large number of them from contact with the people there learning the language,skills,and so on.School education is with teachers,and students may have parents or other people to learn.After work,learn more by colleagues,friends,team.Visibility,interpersonal learning the importance.not be able to develop professional services and learning SNS network It is not rigidly adhere to existing relationships,but on the study sought?This SNS Network,People will not be boring to watch their link to the number of people.More attention is the establishment of relations between their users for help in their studies,Liu relations as well as the development of quality learning network (right direction learning).If no Internet previous small limited interpersonal context,the Internet after the birth of interpersonal networks (not strong ties,but all the weak links) to over large sector as far afield as chaotic.SNS now appears the purpose for which the network it is in such chaos to create a clear international network of people out.