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英语翻译ICRC- Yesterday and TodayInternational Committee Red Cro

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:30:11
ICRC- Yesterday and Today
International Committee Red Cross(ICRC) is an international nongovernmental organization headquartered in Geneva,Switzerland,that seeks to aid victims of war and to ensure the observance of humanitarian law by all parties in conflict.The work of the ICRC in both World Wars was recognized by the Nobel Prize for Peace in both 1917 and 1944.It shared another Nobel Peace Prize with the League of Red Cross Societies in 1963,the year of the 100th anniversary of the ICRC’s founding.
The International Committee of the Red Cross was formed in response to the experiences of its founder,Jean-Henri Dunant,at the Battle of Solferino in 1859.Dunant witnessed thousands of wounded soldier left to die for lack of adequate medical services.Soliciting help from neighboring civilians,Dunant organized care for the soldiers.In 1862 he published an account of the situation at Solferino,by 1863 he had garnered so much support that the Geneva Society for Public Welfare helped found the International Committee for the Relief of the Wounded.In 1875 this organization became the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The ICRC is now one component of a large network including national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.(The Red Crescent was adopted in lieu of the Red Cross in Muslim countries.) The governing body of the ICRC is the Committee,consisting of no more than 25 members.All the members are Swiss,in part due to the origins of the Red Cross in Geneva but also to establish neutrality so any countries in need can receive aid.The Committee meets in assembly 10 times each year to ensure that the ICRC fulfills its duties as the promoter of international humanitarian law and as the guardian of the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross:humanity,impartiality,neutrality,independence,voluntary service,unity,and universality.”
英语翻译ICRC- Yesterday and TodayInternational Committee Red Cro
国际委员会,红十字会( ICRC )是一个国际非政府组织,总部设在日内瓦,瑞士,旨在援助战争受害者,并确保遵守人道主义法的所有各方的冲突.红十字国际委员会的工作,在两次世界大战是公认的,由诺贝尔和平奖在这两个17年和1944.it共享另一诺贝尔和平奖与红十字会联盟在1963年,今年诞辰100周年,红十字国际委员会的成立.
国际红十字委员会的成立,在回应的经验,其创始人,让亨利迪南,在战役solferino在1859.dunant目睹数千人受伤士兵左模具缺乏足够的医疗服务.寻求帮助从邻国平民,杜南特有组织照顾士兵.在1862年他出版了一帐户的情况,在solferino , 1863年他曾获得这么多的支持,在日内瓦的社会公益事业,帮助发现国际委员会为纾缓伤员.在1875年这个组织,成为国际红十字委员会.
红十字国际委员会是现在的一个组成一个大的网络,包括国家红十字会和红新月会国际联合会,红十字和红新月会. (红十字会与红新月会获得通过,在代替红十字会在穆斯林国家)的理事机构,红十字国际委员会是委员会,不超过25个成员.所有成员是瑞士,部分原因是起源红十字会在日内瓦,但也建立中立的,因此任何有需要的国家可以得到援助.委员会会见在大会的10倍,每年以确保红十字国际委员会履行其职责,作为启动国际人道主义法和作为监护人的基本原则,红十字会:人道,公正,中立,独立,志愿服务,团结,和普遍性“ .