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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 23:23:14
老师 ,请讲解一下强调句,带点例子。
解题思路: 判断一个句子是否是强调句型的方法是:如果将句中的It is/was...that/who...去掉,经整理后还是一个完整的句子,本句就是强调句。否则,就不是。
强调句型用法: 一,强调句型的构成 It + be (is / was) +被强调部分+ that(强调部分是人时也可用who或whom)+其他部分. 在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分(一般是句子中主语,宾语或状语)。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。 如:
It is my mother who/that cooks every day.
It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam. It + be (is / was) +被强调部分+ that(强调部分是人时也可用who或whom)+其他部分. 二,强调句型的判断 把"It, be that"去掉,如果剩余部分句子结构仍然完整(被强调部分要还原到原位置),那么这个句子就是强调句;如果句子不完整,则不是强调句. (1)It was at theatre __________ Lincoln was murdered. where B. at which C. which D. that (2)It was the theatre _________ Lincoln was murdered. which B. that C. where D. the one 分别把两句中的"It was"和所填部分去掉,得到以下两句: 1. At the theatre Lincoln was murdered. (Lincoln was murdered at the theatre.) 2.The theatre Lincoln was murdered. 句(1)仍是一个完整的句子,是强调句;句(2)句子不完整,不是强调句,而是含有定语从句的复合句.答案分别为D,C. 三,强调句型7注意: 1. 句首词用"It",不能用"This","That"等. 2. be动词总用单数形式,即is或was,不能用复数形式are或were. 3. 被强调的部分如果是代词,强调主语用主格,强调宾语用宾格.如: (3)It is him that (who/ whom) I met in the street yesterday. (4)It is I who am wrong. 4. 连接词一般用that,当强调部分是人时,强调主语也可用who,强调宾语也可用whom或who. 特别注意当强调部分是时间状语或地点状语时,不能用when或where. 如:5)It was on Oct. 1st, 1949 that People's Republic of China was founded. 5. 其他部分中的主谓一致问题. 若强调部分是句子的主语,强调部分是单数,谓语动词用单数形式;若强调部分是复数,则谓语动词用复数形式.如: (6)It is Mary who often helps me with my English. (7)It is I that am against you. 6. 疑问句的强调结构: 一般疑问句:Is / Was + it + that +句子的其他部分(陈述语序). 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ is / was + it + that +句子的其他部分(陈述语序).如: (8)Was it in 1985 that he graduated from middle school . (9)When was it that you heard from him last time . 7. 强调句不能强调句子的谓语部分. 强调谓语动词时在动词原形前加助动词 do, does, did 如: I do like the book.