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英语翻译女巫:All right.(好的.)Are you sure?Your feet like trod on sh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 06:22:43
女巫:All right.(好的.)Are you sure?Your feet like trod on sharp knives general pain.(你确定?你的脚好像踩在尖刀上一般疼痛.)Oh~Put the bottle of medicine to drink,your tail turns two legs,but you can't speak,you kown… (把这瓶药水喝下去,你的尾巴会变成两条腿,但你不能说话,你懂的.)Oh,my hand a little pain.(哦,我的手有点痛.)
[ 说着把手松开 ,药水瓶掉了下去 ,小人鱼扑过来接住了药水瓶 ]
小人鱼(生气):What are you doing!(你要干什么!)
女巫(自顾自的说):Ha~and You must make him fall in love with you…(你必须让他爱上你.)And marry you…(还有娶你…)Otherwise you would change into the foam.(否则你会化为泡沫…)
小人鱼:Oh,I know...(哦,我知道了…)
女巫:Silly girl~(傻丫头~)
小人鱼(小声):Bad woman …(坏女人…)
女巫:Interesting…Oh,I can hear…(哦,我能听见…)
旁白:The little mermaid drank the bottle of medicine,she felt a sharp pain,she fainted.(小人鱼喝下了药水,她感到一阵剧痛,便昏了过去.)
王子:What a beautiful girl (多么漂亮的一个女孩!)
旁白:The prince finds her,takes her back to his palace.(王子发现了她,把她接回了他的宫殿.)The little mermaid woke up,saw the prince,but she can't speak,only her beautiful eyes looked at the prince.(小人鱼醒来后,看见了王子,但她不能说话,她只能用美丽的眼睛看着王子.)
王子:You have a pair of beautiful eyes can speak.(你有一双会说话的美丽的眼睛.)Can you stay with me?(你可以留在我的身边吗?)
[ 小人鱼高兴的点了点头 ]
The little mermaid Prince dancing every day,they live happily.(小人鱼每天给王子跳舞,他们幸福快乐的生活着.)
One day,the prince found to save his princess.(一天,王子找到了救他的那位公主.)
王子:You are the day save me the beautiful girl!(你就是那天救我的那位美丽的女孩!)
[ 邻国公主羞涩地点了点头.]
The prince fell in love with the beautiful princess,and decides to marry her.(王子爱上了这位美丽的公主,并决定娶她.)The little mermaid looked at them,very sad.(小人鱼看着他们,十分伤心.)
That day,The prince and the princess to marry.(这天,王子和公主要结婚了.)The little mermaid knew he would perish.(小人鱼知道自己就要灭亡了.)But she still wishes with the prince,the little mermaid soundless and stirless to foam...(但她依然祝福着王子,小人鱼无声无息的化为了泡沫…)
英语翻译女巫:All right.(好的.)Are you sure?Your feet like trod on sh
再问: 帮忙改下好啦
再答: 你直接去网上找英文版的
再问: 太长了,好不好
再答: 你找小公主去女巫那拿药的那段嘛,很快的