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英语翻译间隔年”(Gap Year)是西方社会通过近代世界青年旅行方式变迁总结出来的概念,大概意思是西方国家的青年在升学

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 07:00:26
间隔年”(Gap Year)是西方社会通过近代世界青年旅行方式变迁总结出来的概念,大概意思是西方国家的青年在升学或者毕业之后工作之前,做一次长期的旅行(通常是一年),让青年人在步入社会之前体验与自己生活的社会环境不同的生活方式.在间隔年期间,青年人离开自己国家旅行,通常也适当做一些与自己专业相关的工作或者一些非政府组织的志愿者工作,他们相信,这样可以培养青年人的国际观念和积极的人生态度,学习生存技能,增进学生的自我了解,从而让他们找到自己真正想要的工作或者找到更好的工作,以一种“间隔”当前社会生活的方式,达到更好地融入当前社会的目的.
还有一种“Career break”的说法,指的是已经有工作的人辞职进行间隔旅行,以调整身心或者利用这段时间去学习充电.总之,无论是学生的gap亦或有工作一族的gap,都是为了从固定不变的生活模式中暂时跳出来,去另外一个环境体验新的生活,经历更多以更好的认识自己,这样我们才能更好的迎接未来.人生的际遇就是这样,其实,只需要给一次「跳出来」印象,或许就得到可支撑整个人生的幸福!
英语翻译间隔年”(Gap Year)是西方社会通过近代世界青年旅行方式变迁总结出来的概念,大概意思是西方国家的青年在升学
Gap Year "(Gap Year) is the western society through the modern world youth way to travel change concluded a concept, it is the youth of western countries in the entrance or after graduation work to do before a long trip (usually a Year), let young people into the social experience and his life before the social environment of different way of life. In during the interval, young people leave their own country to travel, usually also doing jobs in their fields or some ngos volunteer work, they believe, it would be to a young man in the international concept and positive attitude towards life, study survival skills, improve the students' self understanding, thus let them find out what they really want to work or get a better job, with a" Gap "current social lives the way to achieve better in the current social purpose.
There is a "Career break" view, refers to have quit work on interval trip, to adjust the body and mind or use this time to learn charge. Anyhow, no matter be the students also have work or gap of gens gap, it is to the pattern of life from fixed temporarily in jump out, go to another environmental new life experience, and experience more to better understand, so that we can better meet the future. The life of what happens is this, in fact, only need to give a "jump out to" impression, and probably get to support the whole life of happiness! I am here to help him solve
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