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There are five generations of programming languages.Each suc

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 00:46:22
There are five generations of programming languages.Each successive generation gets closer to representing data in human terms,both in reasoning and in vocabulary.However,each generation requires additional translation into language the computer can understand,so higher generations tend to be slower.This extension to C was developed in the 1980s and is probably the most popular programming language today.It is based on the concept of object-oriented programming,which attempts to give program data models based on real life.For example,a type of object called Person could be defined.This object has attributes hair color,eye color,and age,among others.The object also has methods which make it poerate,like walk,talk,and eat.You are an instance of the object Person...谢谢ㄋ
There are five generations of programming languages.Each suc
程序设计语言总共经历了五个阶段,每个语言都越来越接近用人性话语言来描述数据,包括逻辑推理和词汇.然而,每一代设计语言都要另外翻译成计算机能够明白的语言.因此,更高级的程序语言开发越来越慢了.C语言的扩充是在20世纪80年代发展起来的,它也许是是当今最流行的程序设计语言了.这种语言是基于object-oriented programming概念开发出来的.object-oriented programming 可以给出基于现实生活的编程数据模型.例如,有一种叫做人的系统就是这样被定义的.这种具有多种属性,头发颜色,眼睛的颜色还有年龄.除了了这些之外,它还可以使它变的人性话的方式,如行走,说话,吃东西.你就是典型的一个例子