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1.The Internet is different from newspapers in degree __B___

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 02:33:26
1.The Internet is different from newspapers in degree __B___ users can voice their ideas right away.
A.with which B.to which
C.of which D.for which
2.Several experts have been called in to plan __C___for boating,tennis,refreshments and children's games in the projected town park.
A.instrument B.implements
C.facilities D.equipment
3.Daddy still has a bit of cold,but,__B___the family are all well.
A.or B.otherwise
C.however D.then
4.The police finally found the man__A___had stolen the diamond necklace.
A.who they though B.whom they thought
C.who they thought he D.whom they thought he
1.The Internet is different from newspapers in degree __B___
1.单词应该没问题吧,in degree 再某程度上;right away立刻马上
主干画出来 The Internet is different from newspapers in degree在某 程度上,网络和报纸不同
次要的就是 ...which users can voice their ideas right away.根据选项可只是靠定语从句,(多看看各种从句形式,区分一下引导词的不同,以及相同引导词翻译的差别)
接下来就是介词选择了,常用的是1.有固定搭配的就用固定搭配可见上述题找固定搭配的难找2.根据意思找介词users can voice their ideas right away.使用者们能立刻的发表自己的言论,(是地球人都知道只有互联网才能立刻发表,你说对不对)因此可见这句话是修饰The Internet 的因此句子变成了
The Internet (to which users can voice their ideas right away) is different from newspapers in degree
2.projected 规划的 town城镇的 选项词义(根据其他楼主我就不再说了)
成分 主干:Several experts have been called in 一些专家被号召.
目的状语to plan facilities for boating,tennis,refreshments and children's games in the projected town park.在建设城镇公园中规划一些公共设备用于boating,tennis,refreshments and children's games.
你问的是Or & Othertise“否则”的区别 or是连词'特别在祈使句中.,or......,否则.(假设句中空要翻译成“否则”但是题中but已是连词,就不能用or) 而otherwise可以充当副词(假设句中空要翻译成“否则”但找不到修饰的动词或形容词)
4.主干:The police finally found the man
定从:...had stolen the diamond necklace.修饰man
想一想 they thought将其去掉句子是不是也完整?因此很明显这是个插入语(以后多留心这种句式,很有规律的)
因此句子变成了The police finally found the man who/whom had stolen the diamond necklace.
学过定语从句中who引导主 &胃语,而whom只引导谓语.因此选A