作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.The factory is in _____charge of Jack.I think his running

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:30:50
1.The factory is in _____charge of Jack.I think his running the factory is really ___success.
A.the;/ B./;a C.the;a D./;/
第一空知道是选/,但是第二空不会,看不懂..什么his running the factory.
2.______in the city,he rushed into the nearest Internet cafe.Which is WRONG?
A.On his arrival B.The moment he arrived C.As soon as arrived D.When arriving
3.——I'll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
——You_______her last week.
A.should tell B.would have told C.must tell D.were supposed to have told
4.The food was stored _____there used to be a temple,____was used as a school.
A.that;which B.where;which C.which;where D.where;that
看不懂句意..那个there是什么→ →
5.The book was written in 1946,________the education system has witnessed great changes.
A.when B.during which C.since then D.since when
6.It is quite_____lying on the beach,and after a while you'll feel_______.
A.relaxing;relaxing B.relaxed;relaxed C.relaxing;relaxed D.relaxed;relaxing
7.While he regrets_______so much time playing computer games,he sometimes still feels like______the Internet for useful infornation.
A.wastiong;to surf B.to waste;to surf C.wasting;surfing D.to waste;surfing
8.There were given nothing______dry bread and cold water for their evening meal.
A.other than B.rather than C.more than D.less than
1.The factory is in _____charge of Jack.I think his running
1你第一个题就错了,in the charge of才是表示被动的,你如果选B就表示工厂发出的行为.2题应该选C,这里是省略了主语和谓语,可惜它省略错了,动作的主被动就搞错了 3题是虚拟语气,选B,表示你本来应该做实际上你没有做 4题选B,there就是跟了一个完整的句子,你可以分析成分,这里是缺状语,第二个空是定语从句缺主语,这里是非限制性定语从句,只能用which而不能用that 5题就表示自从那以后 6题,其实很多人都没有搞清楚relaxed和relaxing的用法哦,ed结尾的形容词的意思是感到怎么样,而ing是令人怎样,应该根据意思来选的(打的好辛苦,我吃了饭以后继续回答你) 7题我要详细跟你说下内容啦,regret后面可以跟doing(having done)表示后悔做过的事情,而用to do是表示遗憾没有做过的事,教你一个小窍门哦,用to do的话,to后面能跟的动词就考那三个哦:inform、tell、say.feel like doing sth是个固定搭配,表示想要做某事.8题选B自己查意思,嘿嘿,这个已经很明显了.9题那个表示毫不可以翻译成绝不吗?at no time、on no account 都可以的 再答: 1题就是选C哦,再跟你解释一下第二空用a是抽象名词具体化的用法 2题你的理解是正确的!!(很有天赋哦,一点就懂) 3这个比较复杂的说。。。。但是我就是从语气来区分的,我觉得B就是强调原本应该做的事。你如果想了解深点的话,我去钻研。。。然后再告诉你,你如果还有什么英语想要问的可以联系我哦!!