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用have you got that明白了吗,take a look看一看,kids小孩,that's settled就

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 20:26:26
用have you got that明白了吗,take a look看一看,kids小孩,that's settled就这么定了,a couple of things几样东西,it's up to you你来定,在这几个短语编一个小对话.
用have you got that明白了吗,take a look看一看,kids小孩,that's settled就
高中英语Everyday English
How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?
Oh really?So have I. 噢真的吗?我也是.
Is that right? 那是真的吗?
Have you got that? 你明白了吗?
Take a look. 看一看.
Kids. 孩子们.
That’s settled. 就这么定了.
A couple of thing=several 几个
It’s up to you. 这取决于你.
Tell me. 告诉我……
Oh,I see. 噢,我懂了.
Goodness! 天呐!
Oh yes! 嗯是的!
Not at all! 一点也不!
Absolutely! 绝对的!
Definitely! 肯定的!
Am I right in thinking (that)...?=Is it true that...? ……是对的吗?
A great many things=a lot of things 很多东西
To do well.=to be successful 做得好.
As a result=because of this 结果,因此
Congratulations! 祝贺!
It’s fascinating.=It’s very interesting. 这是迷人的.
We make it (1,400).=We think the answer is (1,400). 我们认为答案是(1,400).
Where do we go from here?=What shall we do next? 我们下一步干什么?
Keep the noise down.=Talk quietly. 说话小点声.
You’ve got it.=You’ve understood. 你理解了.
Go ahead!继续;开始;进行;始,前进;领先;可以
It’s your turn.=You’re next. 轮到你了.
Good morning,sir/madam. 早上好,先生/女士.
How can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?
What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么?
What kind of (mobile phone) would you like /are you looking for? 您想要哪种(手机)?
I think /In my opinion /If you want my personal opinion... 依我看……
But I should tell you... 但是我应该告诉您……
How would you like to pay? 您怎样支付?
Would you like a bag?/Would you like me to wrap it up? 您需要打包吗?
If you need any help,don’t hesitate to call us. 如果您需要帮助,请给我们打电话.
Thank you very much./Thank you for shopping here. 非常感谢./谢谢惠顾.
See you again soon,I hope./Come back soon. 欢迎再来.
Terrific!=Wonderful! 太棒了!
To be off work.= Not to go to work. 不去上班了.
Oh dear.=That’s bad news. 那真是太糟了.
That couldn’t be better.=Well done. 太棒了.
I have a sweet tooth.=I like sweet things. 我喜欢吃甜的东西.
I’m crazy about football.=I love football. 我为足球而疯狂.
Absolutely. 绝对的!
I totally agree with you. 我非常同意你.
I couldn’t agree more. 我非常同意你.
I agree with you. 我同意你.
That’s right. 那是对的.
That’s a good point. 那很好.
I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你.
I’m not sure I agree with that. 我不是很同意.
I’m not sure about that. 我不是很同意.
You can’t be serious. 你不是认真的吧.
I completely disagree. 我非常不同意.
I like listening to music on CDs/the radio/MTV/MP3. 我喜欢在CD/收音机/MTV/MP3上听歌.
I’ve got a CD Discman/Walkman/an MP3.我得到了一个CD播放机/随身听/MP3.
I can’t afford to buy a Discman. 我买不起一个播放机.
I download music from the Internet. 我从网上下歌.
You’ve got it.=You’re correct. 你是正确的.
Don’t change a thing.=Don’t change anything. 什么也不要改变.
I’m not half as good as you.=You are much better than me. 你比我强多了.
What do you make of (it)?=What’s you opinion of it? 你怎么认为?
There’s (an exhibition) on.=There’s an exhibition happening at the moment. 现在有一个展览.
Thanks for the compliment.=Thanks for saying something nice about me. 谢谢你的赞扬.
Believe in 相信
Come on! 得了吧!
I can’t believe you said that! 我实在无法相信你说的那个.
I don’t believe a word of it! 我一个字也不信!
It’s a crazy idea! 那真是个疯狂的主意!
You must be joking! 你一定是在开玩笑!
It simply isn’t possible! 这简直不可能!
You can’t be serious! 你一定不是认真的!
A short space of time 一小会
Absolutely 绝对的!
Good for you! 真有你的!
The box 电视
The thing is…… 事实是……
What’s on = go on 继续;正在演什么
Whereabouts is that? 那在哪?
How do you find it? 你的观点是什么?
It’s totally fascinating. 那非常好.
As you see 按你的观点
I didn’t get that. 我没听清你说了什么.
(Let’s) find some of the action. 让我们做一些有趣的事情吧.
Luckily 幸运的
Unfortunately 不幸的
Thankfully 感激的
Hopefully 有希望的
Sadly 伤心的
Fortunately 幸运的
In a nutshell. 简而言之
It’s scary. 那太吓人了.
I’ll do my best. 我将尽我所能.
From what I understand. 就我的理解.
You’re absolutely right. 你绝对对了.
If so 如果这样
They say(that) 据说
For the first time ever 历史上第一次
Tell the time 报时
To give an example 举个例子说
get rid of 去除
Free of charge 免费
For a start 首先
Run out of 用光
On the way out 即将过时
Be worth doing 值得
No way 没门
A drive B mad A使B发疯
Keep cool! 保持冷静!
A ask B a favour A请B帮个忙
How are you doing? 你好吗?
on earth 究竟
Have a great time! 玩的开心!
have a breakthrough 有一个突破
nick name 外号
pass 过
Well done! 祝贺
That sounded fine to me. 我觉得听起来还不错.
Oh well…… 没关系.
ripped off 敲诈
be around 存在
get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣
something is back in the news 再次成为新闻
throw light on 帮助看清楚
sb come straight to the point 开门见山;谈正题
almost overnight 突然之间
die out 群族灭亡
go for 支持
That’s quite something 不同寻常
How are you getting on? 近来如何?
I didn’t get what people were saying. 我不理解他们说的.
Get used to doing习惯
So far 到目前为止
That’s a good point. 你说的很好.
Make a fuss of 溺爱
Cute 可爱的
A couple of 两个
Pick up 捡起;开车接;偶然学会;短语动词接收到(信号或声音);发现;恢复
Worn of 消失
Nightmare 噩梦
Manage to do 设法做成某事
Take-home salary 净收入
Roughly 大体的
Have a day off 有一天假.
Feel in the mood for something 有做某事的心情
Hang on a minute 等一会
Get a move on 赶快
Grab a bite to eat 狼吞虎咽
Give up 放弃
Go wild 痴迷
More or less 或多或少
High spot 高潮
Funnily enough 说来也巧
In your blood 天生的
Wash down 喝下
Walk off 走路消食
What the Olympic Games are all about 奥林匹克运动会的真谛
Up to you 由你决定
Not the point 不是重点
So what? 那又如何?
Keep an eye on 照看
A terrible din 喧闹
Go for someone 攻击
It's a pity 真遗憾
Wonderful,aren't they? 它们很好,不是吗?
Been here before? 你曾经去过那吗?
Go on 继续
Give me a moment 给我点时间
See what I mean? 懂我的意思吗?
Fortunately 幸运的
It's your turn 轮到你了
I’m stuck. 我被困住了.
Look at the time. 快到点了.
Two of a kind 非常相似
Get together 整理
Get on well 交往的好
It's my guess. 这是我期望的.
Click(with somebody) 相处的融洽
Favourite of all time 永远的最爱
Missing the point 错过了重点
can't stand 不能忍受
Oh come on! 快别鼓了!
A jazz classic 爵士经典
Really ancient 很古老的
On the contrary 相反的
That's it. 那是对的.
Incredible! 难以置信!
To continue 继续
Obviously 明显地
In other words 换句话说
Nonsense! 胡扯!
Wonder about something 想知道
If I remember rightly 如果我清楚地记得
We weren't supposed to do that. 我们不支持那个观点.
We appreciated the opportunity to talk. 我们很感谢这个说话的机会.
Look forward to 期待
Hot 热门的
Show a lot of character 展示了许多优秀品质
Fast and furious 快而猛烈
Let's get going. 开始做某事.
It's up to you. 那取决于你.
The usual stuff 寻常的事情
Really get something 确实有两把刷子
In the end 在最后
(we’re)through 我们通过了
I’m with you on that. 我在那一点上同意你.
Throw her arms round him. 伸手拥抱他.
Thank goodness. 谢天谢地.
What’s going on? 发生什么了?
Break (my) heart 让我心碎了
Do(him) good 对他好
Rascal 无赖
Turn down (声音)调低一点
It isn't my cup of tea. 那不是我的菜.
Play music as loudly as you do these days 像你这些天演奏得那么大声
Inside listening to music 沉浸在音乐之中
It's her turn to call me. 轮到她打电话给我了.
I guess 我猜
Tasty 美味的
Be green with envy 妒火中烧
Apparently 显然地
How come 怎么会呢
Gorgeous 美妙的
What do you reckon? 你觉得怎么样?
Not to worry. 不必担心.
As long as 只要
No matter what happens 不管发生了什么
A day to remember 难忘的一天
No one knows for certain. 谁也不知道确切的情况.
We'd better get back into the bus now. 我们最好现在回到车上.
All sorts of people=Many different people 各种各样的人
Be very fond of 非常喜欢
Keep their spirits up 振作精神
It runs in the family 代代相传
A mother to be 即将成为孕妇的人
A fair bit 大量的
Complete rubbish 完全是垃圾
Thinking hard 认真考虑
She has the whole world on her shoulders. 负担很重
As a rule 作为规则
Goes without saying 不用说(理所当然)
Make a beeline (for) 径直地,直接地
On close terms with 与……关系密切
On the dot 准时
The done thing 合乎礼仪的
Do not help yourself. 别自己拿.
Mate 同志
I’ve got no idea.=I can’t explain. 我没有主意.
Get held up.=There was an accident. 困住
It doesn’t matter.=Something is OK. 没关系.
A straight answer.=Clear and easy to understand. 直接的答案
At the end of the day=when you consider everything 考虑到一切
How about you?=What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?
Take short cuts=a quick way of getting somewhere 抄近路
Food for thought=something to think about 值得考虑的事
By heart 背过
Be hopeless at 不擅长
Fire away. 开始吧
Off the top of my head 不假思索的
On second thoughts 三思
再问: 能编成小对话吗,有一定情景
再答: 有点难 长对话好写 情节比较丰富