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I flew from Sydney to Melbourne for meetings._1_ reaching Me

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 08:03:01
I flew from Sydney to Melbourne for meetings._1_ reaching Melbourne about 7:15 a. m, I went for a taxi. As I walked out into the morning light, a voice entered my ears.
“Good morning sir, do you need a taxi?” A driver said to me with a smile. I said yes and _2_ into the taxi. When I told the driver_3_ I wanted to go, he asked, “Sir, what time do you need to be there ?” I replied by 9:00 a. m. and he turned on the meter.
My destination was far away. During the long _4_, the driver and I talked and talked. His name is Yusuf. I _5_ him I’d be returning to Sydney on a 6:30 p. m. flight. We reached my destination at 8:50 a. m. As I was about to get out of the taxi, Yusuf handed me a _6_ with his mobile number on the back. He said that if I gave him a _7_, he would come to pick me up.
It was a _8_ day for me. By 3:15 p. m. I had _9_ my three important meetings and was ready to return to the _10_. So I called Yusuf and he said “Thanks. I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes”. On the way back, Yusuf asked me, “Can you _11_ how I can be a better taxi driver?” I looked at him for a moment and said, “ Yusuf, just_12_ doing what you’re doing.” He looked back at me as if to _13_further explanation of what I had said. I went on saying, “handing me your card and _14_ to come and pick me up tell me you _15_know how to be a better taxi driver.” We chatted _16_ and then it was time for us to say_17_.
When I was _18_ to leave, two ladies rushed up and asked if Yusuf could take them to the city. Yusuf said yes _19_ they jumped in . Yusuf had many customers. Yes, the more time you spend talking and listening to your customers, the more _20_ they’ll bring you
I flew from Sydney to Melbourne for meetings._1_ reaching Me
I flew from Sydney to Melbourne for meetings._1_ reaching Melbourne about 7:15 a. m, I went for a taxi. As I walked out into the morning light, a voice entered my ears.
“Good morning sir, do you need a taxi?” A driver said to me with a smile. I said yes and _2_ into the taxi. When I told the driver_3_ I wanted to go, he asked, “Sir, what time do you need to be there ?” I replied by 9:00 a. m. and he turned on the meter.
My destination was far away. During the long _4_, the driver and I talked and talked. His name is Yusuf. I _5_ him I’d be returning to Sydney on a 6:30 p. m. flight. We reached my destination at 8:50 a. m. As I was about to get out of the taxi, Yusuf handed me a _6_ with his mobile number on the back. He said that if I gave him a _7_, he would come to pick me up.
It was a _8_ day for me. By 3:15 p. m. I had _9_ my three important meetings and was ready to return to the _10_. So I called Yusuf and he said “Thanks. I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes”. On the way back, Yusuf asked me, “Can you _11_ how I can be a better taxi driver?” I looked at him for a moment and said, “ Yusuf, just_12_ doing what you’re doing.” He looked back at me as if to _13_further explanation of what I had said. I went on saying, “handing me your card and _14_ to come and pick me up tell me you _15_know how to be a better taxi driver.” We chatted _16_ and then it was time for us to say_17_.
When I was _18_ to leave, two ladies rushed up and asked if Yusuf could take them to the city. Yusuf said yes _19_ they jumped in . Yusuf had many customers. Yes, the more time you spend talking and listening to your customers, the more _20_ they’ll bring you.
2. A. ran \x09\x09\x09\x09\x09B. jumped \x09\x09\x09C. knocked \x09\x09\x09D. broke
3. A. when\x09\x09 \x09\x09B. how \x09\x09\x09\x09C. why \x09\x09\x09\x09D. where
4. A. conversation \x09\x09\x09B. distance \x09\x09\x09C. trip \x09\x09\x09\x09D. road
5. A. believed \x09\x09\x09B. told \x09\x09\x09\x09C. ordered \x09\x09\x09D. warned
6. A. paper \x09\x09\x09\x09B. book \x09\x09\x09\x09C. note \x09\x09\x09\x09D. card
7. A. gift \x09\x09\x09\x09B. call \x09\x09\x09\x09C. hand \x09\x09\x09\x09D. promise
8. A. busy \x09\x09\x09\x09B. boring \x09\x09\x09C. sad \x09\x09\x09\x09D. proud
9. A. completed \x09\x09\x09B. started \x09\x09\x09C. cancelled \x09\x09\x09D. arranged
10. A. destination \x09\x09\x09B. station \x09\x09\x09C. airport \x09\x09\x09D. city
11. A. suggest \x09\x09\x09B. prove\x09\x09\x09\x09C. agree \x09\x09\x09\x09D. remember
12. A. begin \x09\x09\x09\x09B. imagine \x09\x09\x09C. allow \x09\x09\x09\x09D. keep
13. A. build up\x09\x09 \x09\x09B. ask for \x09\x09\x09C. think about \x09\x09D. care for
14. A. trying \x09\x09\x09\x09B. planning \x09\x09\x09C. expecting \x09\x09\x09D. offering
15. A. already \x09\x09\x09B. still \x09\x09\x09\x09C. hardly \x09\x09\x09D. almost
16. A. occasionally \x09\x09B. coldly \x09\x09\x09C. nervously \x09\x09\x09D. happily
17. A. hello \x09\x09\x09\x09B. sorry \x09\x09\x09\x09C. goodbye \x09\x09\x09D. no
18. A. likely \x09\x09\x09\x09B. ready \x09\x09\x09\x09C. wrong \x09\x09\x09D. afraid
19. A. or \x09\x09\x09\x09B. but\x09\x09\x09 \x09C. and \x09\x09\x09\x09D. as
20. A. business \x09\x09\x09B. work \x09\x09\x09\x09C. money \x09\x09\x09D. comfort

1. B需要船员们去叫醒,说明“睡着了”.
2. C with great care 意为“细心地”,系固定搭配,在此作状语.
3. A make a hole“弄一个洞”,意思较为笼统.drill暗指用钻去钻,dig暗指用锹去挖,而船长用的工具却是斧头,故B、C两个选项应该舍去.
4. D在轮流干之前,只是船长一人在干,船长干时,大家只是在一旁注视着.
5. B因为情况比较危急,所以大家观望时心情一定很焦虑.
6. B前后有因果关系.
7. D由each member推知,众船员“依次”干了起来.
8. C bear意为“忍受”,表明大家在尽全力干,能干多长就干多长.put up 后加上with ,也可作“忍受”讲.
9. A 因为站着破冰有危险,所以设法“跪下”.从词语搭配关系中也能得到一点启发.
10. D 掉下大海无法营救,所以站在很滑的甲板上某种程度上就意味着“死亡”.
11. A call to sb大声叫某人,call on拜访(某人),call up打电话,call at拜访(某地),四个词组中只有call to 合乎语境.
12. B 点上炉子是为了让炉子“散发”热量,保持船舱暖和.
13. C为使船舱不结冰,就要使其温度保持在“冰点”之上.
14. A冰融化后,可使船的重量减轻,使船体上浮.
15. C如果冰不清除,船就会不断下沉,那就肯定“危险”了.
16. B船上浮是在船员们一小时的辛劳之后得以实现的.
17. D remove“去除”,等于take away.
18. D in spite of 意为“不管、尽管”,表示让步关系.
19. C 另三个词不能按sb to do.
20.C float意为“漂浮”,清除冰的目的显然是为了不使船下沉.
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