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初二英语作文 以Exercise is a good way to keep he

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:32:13
初二英语作文 以Exercise is a good way to keep he
初二英语作文 以Exercise is a good way to keep healthy为题目,以“锻炼能使人身心健康,有很多有益的锻炼方式”为内容,写一篇60词短文,推荐给你的朋友……
初二英语作文 以Exercise is a good way to keep he
Voltaire once said,that"The life lies in the movement."That's true.If your bodies aren't strong,we can't do anything very well.And at the same time,we can't study hard,right?Why are some people not strong?Why somebody are often take ill?Because they're not very often exercise.Look at me,I exercise every day.Sometimes,I ride my bike.Sometimes I go to swim.Sometimes I play badminton.And Running is my favorite.I run alomst every day.I don't know why.I just want to run.Run away.Run anywhere.伏尔泰曾说过,生命在与运动.这是事实.如果你的身体不强壮,我们不能把任何事情做得非常好.与此同时,我们也不能好好学习.为什么有些人不强壮呢?为什么有些人经常生病呢?因为他们不常做运动.看我,我每天都运动.有时,我骑我的自行车.有时,我去游泳.有时,我打羽毛球.其中,跑步是我的最爱.我几乎每天都跑步.我不知道为什么我这么爱跑步,我只是想跑.跑开.跑去任何地方.