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英语翻译to the anthropologist ,our customs and those of a New Gu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 20:27:13
to the anthropologist ,our customs and those of a New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for dealing with a common problem ,and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weight of one in favor of the other .
英语翻译to the anthropologist ,our customs and those of a New Gu
首先,你这句里有一个语法错误,weight应该是weighting,不然根据上下文意思,它是动词原形,无法作avoid的宾语.原句出自Ruth Benedict(露丝·本尼迪克特)于1934年写的书Patterns of Culture(《文化的类型》或《文化模式》),第一章第一页:
To the anthropologist,our customs and those of a New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for dealing with a common problem,and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favour of the other.
in favor of在这里是作方式状语,修饰动词分词weighting.
to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other 避免厚此薄彼
one和the other指前面讲的two possible social schemes(两种可能的社会范型)
再问: the law does not discriminate against the poor in favor of the rich.请问这句话里面in favor of用法和上一句一样吗?weighting of是不是加重的意思?
再答: 1. 一样 2. weighting of是衡量的意思,不是加重的意思。 weight作为动词是衡量,没有加重的意思。
再问: 1.能不能直译一下?2.还有为何不能用名词weight?我查查试卷他写的是weight。3.如果weighting这个是动名词作宾语,是不能有方式状语修饰的,并且如果weighting做得是形容词,后面用of做什么?
再答: 1. 法律不歧视穷人、偏袒富人。 2. in favor of the other是一个动词的状语。如果是weight而不是weighting,那么in favor of the other在语法上就是错的。另外,one和another都是指social schemes,名次weight在意思上也不通。 “动名词作宾语,是不能有方式状语修饰的,”这是谁告诉你的?给你一些权威的例子: I enjoy him very much, I like being with him, I like working with him. (克林顿总统在电视访谈上的话) In recent months, I’ve had the privilege of seeing first-hand some of the outstanding work that you’re doing in your respective states. (奥巴马演讲稿) 这些都是动名词作宾语,有方式状语修饰的例子。我怕自己举的例子你不信,美国总统的例子应该有说服力吧。:-)
再问: 这个方式状语我明白些了,只是为何不直接用weighting one in favor of another,译成看重这个,偏袒那个?我知道of是从属关系,也见过类似用法,只是一直不理解加of做什么用? weighting of one in favor of another,为何不能看成in favor of another做定语修饰one?
再答: 因为weighting前面有any,如果说any weighting one in favor of another就不对了。any ... of可以看成一个固定用法。 in favor of如果作定语那么修饰的一定是偏重the other的东西,那么一定不是前面的one(它是和the other并列而且有竞争关系的),所以作定语在逻辑上不通。