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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:25:01
志愿工作具有志愿性、无偿性、公益性、组织性四大特征 有些人片面地认为从事志愿工作是慈善为怀、乐善好施的表现,把志愿工作看成一种单方面的施予;把志愿者当作“廉价劳动力”;认为只有那些不愁衣食及有大量空余时间的人,才有资格或才会参加志愿工作。其实,每个人都有参与社会事务的权利和促进社会进步的能力,同样,每个人都有促进社会繁荣进步的义务及责任。
  Volunteers are those who prefer to contribute their time and energy, without any material reward situation for the improvement of social services, promote social progress.
  Volunteering has four characteristics: voluntary, unpaid, public welfare, organized. Some people thought that those who engaged in volunteering work as "cheap labor" or only those who have a lot of treasures will participate in volunteering work are incorrect. In fact, everyone has the right and ability to participate in social affairs, the promotion of social progress, and everyone has to promote social progress and prosperity of the obligations and responsibilities. Students at the school can participate in volunteer association of the school. If you have a job, you can try to communicate with the local Communist Youth League organizations or civil volunteer organization. In the rest of the existing semi-official volunteer association, there are volunteer organizations caring people spontaneously formed.
  V‍olunteering organization is a glorious and nonprofit organization. We should participate to help those people who need help indeed.