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英语翻译The story centres on Charles Marlow,who narrates most of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 08:33:50
The story centres on Charles Marlow,who narrates most of the book.He is an Englishman who takes a foreign assignment from a Belgian trading company as a river-boat captain in Africa.Heart of Darkness exposes the dark side of Belgian colonization while exploring the three levels of darkness that the protagonist,Marlow,encounters:the darkness of the Congo wilderness,the darkness of the Belgians' cruel treatment of the African natives,and the unfathomable darkness within every human being for committing heinous acts of evil.[2] Although Conrad does not give the name of the river,at the time of writing the Congo Free State,the location of the large and important Congo River,was a private colony of Belgium's King Leopold II.In the story,Marlow is employed to transport ivory downriver.However,his more pressing assignment is to return Kurtz,another ivory trader,to civilization,in a cover-up.Kurtz has a reputation throughout the region.
This symbolic story is a story within a story or frame narrative.It follows Marlow as he recounts from dusk through to late night,to a group of men aboard a ship anchored in the Thames Estuary,his Congolese adventure.The passage of time and the darkening sky during the fictitious narrative-within-the-narrative parallel the atmosphere of the story.
英语翻译The story centres on Charles Marlow,who narrates most of
本书的故事情节以Charles Marlow为中心,并且本书的大部分内容也是以他的口吻进行叙述的.Charles Marlow是一个英国人,受雇于一家比利时贸易公司在非洲做一艘内河船舶的船长.《黑暗之心》在揭露比利时殖民统治的黑暗一面的同时,在三个层次上探索了本书主人公Marlow所遭遇的“黑暗”:首先是刚果的荒野环境中真实的黑暗,其次是比利时人对非洲土著暗无天日的残酷压迫,最后则是每个人内心深藏的足以犯下滔天罪行的黑暗一面.尽管Conrad在本书中没有给出河流的名称,在本书写作的年代,刚果河这条重要的大河所在的刚果自由邦就正是属于比利时国王Leopold二世的私人殖民地.在故事中,Marlow是被雇佣来向河流下游运输象牙的.然而,对他而言更为紧迫的一项任务却是秘密地将另一位象牙商人Kurtz带回文明世界.Kurtz在整个地区之中是颇有名气的.