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郭翻 翻译郭翻字长翔,武昌人也.伯父讷,广州刺史.父察,安城太守.翻少有志操,辞州郡辟及贤良之举.家于临川,不交世事,惟

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 07:32:18
郭翻 翻译
郭翻 翻译郭翻字长翔,武昌人也.伯父讷,广州刺史.父察,安城太守.翻少有志操,辞州郡辟及贤良之举.家于临川,不交世事,惟
Guo Xiang doubled wordlength,Wuchang people.Nawan uncle,Cishi Canton.Father of inspections,Anseong Prefecture.Over less aspiring parade,speech-gun production and virtuous act.Home in Linchuan,non-payment of the world,but to fish catch Shooters for entertainment.UN-poor and unemployed who wish to reclaim fields,the first legislation table title,after years of terra nullius,and then is made.Rice will be cooked,there is the admission of persons,noted the push with.The population of the county magistrate heard to rice has also doubled,was not over.Try to car hunting,home to over a hundred years,every patient Road to vehicles to take them,and return on foot.Their hunting and fishing income,or from the buyer,they take with them instead of straight,nor were the names.King is士庶Chatham from your behavior.
  Zhai soup with both the same as recommended by庾亮,bus,Dr.Levy is not on.咸康at the end of the boat ride to the Wuchang Province temporary graves to Dili uncle安西将军庾翼heavy and subservience to build over,since the strong wishes.Over said:"all of humanity has been short,behavior can be forced to!" Wing with its small boat narrow For primer on the ship.Over said:"使君not to despise the shame of Pro,the solid-Savage is also on the boat." Wing bent down to his boat,day out
英语翻译魏相字弱翁,济阴定陶人也,徙平陵.少学《易》,为郡卒史,举贤良,以对策高第,为茂陵令.顷之,御史大夫桑弘羊客诈称 英语翻译翻译:1如有不合,太守自当坐之,不已相及也.2不宜负信于戎狄,还之足示中国优贷,而使边人得安,诚便 3盖策由众定 把"今作郡而送之,是贵城阳太守而贱梁柳,岂中古人之道?是非吾心所安也."翻译成现代汉语 英语翻译韩褒,字弘业,颍川颍阳人也.祖环,魏平凉郡守、安定郡公.父演,恒州刺史.褒少有志尚,好学而不守章句.其师怪问之, 英语翻译麻烦翻译以下内容陶潜,字元亮,大司马侃之曾孙也.祖茂,武昌太守.潜少怀高尚,博学善属文,颖脱不羁,任真自得,为乡 英语翻译晋书列传第六十四*隐逸*陶渊明传> 翻译 陶潜,字元亮,大司马侃之曾孙也。祖茂,武昌太守。潜少怀高尚,博学善属文 人知从太守游而乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也,翻译 英语翻译羊欣,字敬元,泰山南城人也.曾祖忱,晋徐州刺史.祖权,黄门郎.父不疑,桂阳太守.欣少靖默,无竞于人,美言笑,善容 英语翻译崔棁,字子文,博陵安平人.累世冠冕.曾祖元受,举进士,直史馆.祖铢,安、濮二州刺史.父涿,刑部郎中.棁少好学,梁 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译下面的词语:闻其贤而(辟)之;(举)茂才;四(迁)荆州刺史;性质(悫);然少(蕴藉),不修威仪;鸢 (10分)【甲】大将军邓骘闻其贤而辟之,举茂才,四迁荆州刺史、东莱太守。当之郡,道经昌邑,故所举荆州茂才王密为昌邑令,谒 阅读下面文言文完成下面各题。   【甲】大将军邓骘闻其贤而辟之,举茂才,四迁荆州刺史、东莱太守。当之郡,道经昌邑,故所举