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Almost all of us experience lots of different exams .No matt

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 20:27:55
Almost all of us experience lots of different exams .No matter we are ready or not ,we always f____ nervous when we are in the quiet exam room.
But there are a few things you can do to r____before you start .At the beginning of an exam ,raed all the instructions c___ so you know exactly what you have to do .Work out how much time you can spend on each q____ .If you feel yourself getting nervous at any time ,stop w___ you are doing and take a few deep breaths.
However ,the most useful things are always done b___ you get to the exam room .You may do some practice testa and review your l___ in a right way .And then resl thing will seem much e___.
You also need o remember that exams are not the most important thing in the world——even though you f___ ,you can do better next time .The 10.m____ you take ,the less worried you will be.
Almost all of us experience lots of different exams .No matt
再问: 不是呀,是老师给我们的布置的作业
再答: 几乎我们所有的经验,很多不同的考试。不管我们愿不愿意,我们都f____紧张时,我们是在安静的房间。但有几件事你可以做r____before你开始。开始考试,读所有的指令c___所以你知道你需要做什么。解决你可以花多少时间在每q____。如果你觉得自己在任何时间紧张,停止w___你正在做的事,做几次深呼吸。然而,最有用的东西总是做b___你到达考场。你可以做一些实践种皮和审查你以正确的方式l___。然后蕾丝儿的事情会变得更e___。你还需要记住,考试不是世界上最重要的东西——即使你f___,下次你会做得更好。10。m____你,不担心你会。
再问: 恩我知道啦,我要的不是翻译哦,我要的是阅读答案。但是我已经知道答案了。但还是要蟹蟹
再答: 呵呵,