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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 20:55:31
我一直希望有一个美国朋友,也可以说是笔友,你可以做我的第一个外国朋友吗?朋友意味着你伸出手去可以握到另一只温暖的手,在你无所傍依时感受到爱的光芒的包围,在焦虑和孤寂时得到灵魂的安妥和告慰.朋友是兄弟、姐妹、伴侣、知音.看来,夏娃和亚当是人类最早的朋友的原型,上帝正是按照这个榜样来启示人间、设计人类未来的.所谓骨中之骨肉中之肉不仅仅针对男女关系而言,理想的朋友正是用同一种血肉、同一种材料、同一种元素做成的:伯牙在钟子期死后碎琴断弦永绝琴缘,提奥在梵高自杀的数月就病故了,海子殉难后不久骆一禾也紧随而去?朋友是心心相连灵魂相通的那种人.汉字中的“朋”颇有意味,我们可以理解成两个月亮坐在天空,相互关怀,相互照亮,缺一不可,那源源不断的光芒是连接彼此的纽带和桥梁!人间的长旅充满了多少凄冷、孤苦,没有朋友的人是生活在黑暗中的人,没有朋友的人是真正的孤儿.作为我的新朋友,你能告诉我一些关于你的事情吗?你的名字,你的生日,哦对了 还有你的生活.
I have always wanted to have an American friend,it can be said to be pen pals,you can do my first foreign friend?A friend means you can reach out to shake hands to warm the other hand,you feel no love in time along the light of the siege,in the anxiety and loneliness when安妥and comfort the soul.Friends are brothers,sisters,partners,a bosom friend.It seems that Eve and Adam is a friend of mankind's earliest prototype,according to this example of God is the revelation to the world,design the future of humanity.The so-called bone in the flesh and blood in the meat not only for relations between men and women,the ideal of a friend is to use the same flesh and blood,the same type of material,made of the same element:in BoYa GuoqinZhong Ziqibroken off after the death of String must never Guoqin edge,Theo Van Gogh committed suicide in a few months on the deceased,and soon after the martyrdom haizi Luo He also followed by a run?friends hearts linked to the soul of the same kind of people.Chinese characters of "friends" rather mean,we can understand the moon into two sitting in the sky,mutual care and illuminate each other,and none can be,and that light is continuously connected with each other and bridge the link!The world is full of how much longer journey凄冷are alone,no friends of the people living in the dark,no friends who are truly orphans.As my new friends,can you tell me some of your things?Your name,your birthday,oh right there is your life.