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英语语法The weight of the steel was too much for the child to ca

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 08:21:56
The weight of the steel was too much for the child to carry.前面的两个the的用法是什么?为什么不能使Steel’s weight was too much fof the child to carry.A young man can not have the experience of the world.这里两个the的用法.The chinese are a hard working race.为什么chinese前面要加the.On the side of the hill,there is a deep hole in the ground.这里的the.Janet does not drive yet,but she wants a car of her own.为什么不能是Janet does not drive yet,but she wants an won car.Books on popular science are in great demand.为什么不能是in a great demand.I told you what a fool of the man he was in the party.man前面的the是什么用法.You can not keep small children still,they are always on the go.这里on the go 是固定搭配么?啥意思?Why do not you tell him you need a little more time?这里不能用some more time 是因为time是不可数名词么?那few可以修饰time么?如果可以,是不是few既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词?I have a little money,but i should probably cash a check first.money前面为什么不是little of 或是few?
英语语法The weight of the steel was too much for the child to ca
The weight of the steel was too much for the child to carry.前面的两个the的用法是什么?为什么不能使Steel’s weight was too much fof the child to carry.
2.因为一般只有表示有“生命”的名词才用’s (名词所有格)来表示“所属”关系.没有生命的物体用of 结构来表达.如果用Steel's weight,则容易误解为某个叫Steel 斯帝尔的人的体重.
A young man can not have the experience of the world.这里两个the的用法.
答:定冠词the的基本用法,就是“特指”.the world就是特指我们的“这个世界”,这里指的是我们的这个社会.the experience of the world 特指“社会经验”.
The Chinese are a hard working race.为什么chinese前面要加the.
答:The +形容词表示“特定的一类人”,如the rich=the rich people.这里的The Chinese=The Chinese people.
On the side of the hill,there is a deep hole in the ground.这里的the.
49.On the side of the hill,there is ______ which was once the entrance to a gold mine.
a.a deep hole in ground b.a hole deep in ground
c.a deep hole in the ground d.a deep in the ground hole
这样看来,这hill就象一个圆锥体,它只有top,side和bottom 三个属性.on the side of the hill是在山腰中.这山不象金字塔有四个sides,就一个side,用the表示特指它的side而不是它的top.
Janet does not drive yet,but she wants a car of her own.为什么不能是Janet does not drive yet,but she wants an own car.
答:这与own的用法有关.可以说...but she wants her own car.
Books on popular science are in great demand.
为什么不能是in a great demand.
答:这里的demand 是抽象名词,类似用法:A friend in need is a friend indeed.中的in need
I told you what a fool of the man he was in the party.man前面的the是什么用法.
You can not keep small children still,they are always on the go.这里on the go 是固定搭配么?啥意思?
Why do not you tell him you need a little more time?这里不能用some more time 是因为time是不可数名词么?那few可以修饰time么?如果可以,是不是few既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词?
答:可以用some more time,不是因为time不可数,而是因为表达的意思所需要.
some可以修饰可数名词单数、复数、不可数名词,(a) little只能修饰不可数名词,(a) few只能修饰可数名词的复数.
I have a little money,but I should probably cash a check first.money前面为什么不是little of 或是few?
答:a little money是有一点钱,I have little money.是I have not much money.没有多少钱.
little of the money 是这些钱中没有多少.如:Little of the money was spend on the food.
再问: 那个own的具体用法是什么?
再答: 美国传统词典 own adj.(形容词)Of or belonging to oneself or itself: 自己的,属于自己的:属于某人自己的或某物本身的: She makes her own clothes.她自己做衣服 n.(名词)That which belongs to one: 属于一个人的东西: It is my own.那是我自己的东西 v.(动词) owned,own.ing,owns v.tr.(及物动词) 1.To have or possess as property: 拥有:作为财产有或拥有: owns a chain of restaurants.拥有连锁餐厅 2.To have control over: 控制: For a time, enemy planes owned the skies.一会儿,敌人的飞机布满了整个天空3.To admit as being in accordance with fact, truth, or a claim; acknowledge. 承认:承认与事实、真相或要求是一致的;承认 v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a full confession or acknowledgment: 完全认罪或承认:When confronted with the evidence the thief owned up. See Synonyms at &b{acknowledge} 在证据面前小偷乖乖地招认了 参见 acknowledge 习惯用语: of (one's) own Belonging completely to oneself: 拥有:完完全全属于某人自己: a room of one's own.自己的一个房间 on (one's) own 1.By one's own efforts: 通过自己的努力:She got the job on her own.她自己找到了这份工作2.Responsible for oneself; independent of outside help or control: 靠自己的力量,独立地:自己对自己负责;独立于外来的帮助或控制之外: He is now out of college and on his own.他现在离开了大学并且自己生活