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英语翻译Lingering kisses and tearful farewells are to be a thing

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:33:55
Lingering kisses and tearful farewells are to be a thing of the past on the platform of some of France’s biggest railway stations.In a move decidedly not in keeping with the county’s reputation for romance,officials at station in Paris,Lyon and Marseille have launched new “welcome-filtering operations “to keep platforms reserved purely for passengers.” These operations aim to reduce fraud by preventing people without tickets from boarding trains and make it easier for trains to leave at the exact time,” said jean-Luc Obadiah,manager of Lyon station.Uniformed staff for the SNCF rail company will demand to see people’s tickets before letting them onto platforms,while their loves ones will be encouraged to say their good-buyers elsewhere in the stations’ precincts.Officials said a new high-speed link between Paris and Marseille due to open next month will raise the number of trains traveling between the three cities,making it essential that all train leave on the dot.” if you’re accompanying a person who is in good health and able to manage alone,we’ll ask to say goodbye before the platform.But if you’re with your grandmother and she ‘s carrying a heavy suitcase,we’ll let you through,” Obadiah added.For those left behind at the platform barrier,he had a consolatory thought:”I tell people that they won’t see the train leave so it won’t be so sad.”
英语翻译Lingering kisses and tearful farewells are to be a thing
久久的亲吻和含泪的告别即将会在法国一些的火车站成为过去.在与法国的浪漫形象截然不符的一场行动中,巴黎,里昂和马赛车站的官员们推出了新的"欢迎-筛选行动"让站台仅供-乘客使用."这个行动的目的是减少欺诈,防止无票的人们登上火车并使火车更容易准点离开." 里昂火车站的经理冉-卢克 奥巴加说.SNCF列车公司的穿着制服的工作人员将会在让人们进入站台前,要求查验他们的车票,而与亲爱的人的告别则被鼓励在车站区域的其他地方进行.官员们说下个月将开通的巴黎与里昂之间的一条新的高速线路将会增加这三个城市间运行的火车数量,所以确保所有火车准点启程将会变得尤为重要."如果你所陪伴的人健康状况良好,能够自己照顾自己,我们会要求你们在进入平台之间互相道别.不过如果你是跟你的祖母在一起,而她又带着沉重的行李,我们会让你们通过".奥巴佳补充说.对于那些留在站台栏杆外的人们,他倒是有一个安慰的想法:" 我告诉他们不看见火车离开会使离别不会那么伤感.