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英语翻译米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)在《The Fifth Element》中扮演了一位外星美女——L

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 13:46:10
米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)在《The Fifth Element》中扮演了一位外星美女——Leeloo.米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)1975年生于乌克兰,在她五岁时随父母一起移民到了美国加州萨克拉门托.她不仅是一名模特,同时又是一个比较有造诣的歌星和演员.首张专辑《The Divine Comedy》深受好评.十一岁就开始了模特生涯,15岁的她一举获得全美模特选拔赛冠军.从此,她美丽的倩影登上美国的时尚权威杂志《时尚》和《时尚芭莎》的封面.1991年米拉拍摄她的第一部影片《Return to the BlueLagoon》显出不凡,随后在第二年她又出演了影片《Kuffs》.1997年她出演了吕克·贝松(Luc Besson)的科幻电影《The Fifth Element》,获得了成功.代表作有(Return to the BlueLagoon) 、(Dazedand Confused) 、(The Fifth Element) 、The Messenger 、Million Dollar Hotel、Resident Evil 、The Winter Queen 等
布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)在《第五元素》中扮演了拯救世界的英雄——Korben Dallas.布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)于1955年出生于美军在西德的一个军事基地,父亲是驻德美国军人,母亲是德国人.2岁后移居美国新泽西州,并在那里度过了他的童年生涯.步入青年之后,他有了一个口吃的毛病.不可思议的是,这个毛病在他参加演出的时候居然会消失.到了高中以后,他开始陆续的参加了一些演出,主要是演丑角.在电视连续剧(Moonlighting)中因演技出色,受到瞩目.后来出演《Die Hard》举世轰动,此后片酬不断,确立了动作巨星的地位.代表作有Die Hard系列、Armageddon 、The Fifth Element 、 Twelve Monkeys、The Sixth Sense、Unbreakable、Death Becomes Her、The Whole Nine Yards 等.
英语翻译米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)在《The Fifth Element》中扮演了一位外星美女——L
Mila · Qiao fertile Weiqi (Milla Jovovich) has acted outside star beautiful woman - - Leeloo in "The Fifth Element".Mila · Qiao fertile Weiqi (Milla Jovovich) in 1975 was born in Ukraine,when her five years old immigrated together along with the parents the American California Sacramento.She is not only a model,simultaneously is also a comparison has the attainments singing star and the actor.First special edition "The Divine Comedy" depth high praise.11 years old started the model profession,15 year-old she wins the entire US model trials championship at one fell swoop.Henceforth,her beautiful beautiful figure mounts US's fashion authoritative magazine Vogue and "Fashionable Banana plant Sha" title page.in 1991 Mila photographed her first movie "Return to the BlueLagoon" appears uncommon,afterward has played the movie in second year her "Kuffs".in 1997 she has played Lu Ke· Beisong (Luc Besson) the science fiction movie "The Fifth Element",has obtained the success.The representative works have (Return to the BlueLagoon),(Dazedand Confused),(The Fifth Element),The Messenger,Million Dollar Hotel,Resident Evil,and so on Winter Queen Bruce · Willis (Bruce Willis) acted in "the Fifth Element" has saved the world heroic - - Korben Dallas.Bruce · Willis (Bruce Willis) was born in 1955 in the US military in a West Germany's Military base,the father is in the German American serviceman,the mother is a German.after 2 years old,migrates the American New Jersey,and passed his childhood profession in there.After marching into the youth,he had a stuttering problem.What is inconceivable,this problem in he participates in the performance time will vanish unexpectedly.After high school,he started to participate in some performances one after another,mainly develops the clown.(Moonlighting) the performing skill is splendid because at the TV serial,receives the attention.Afterward played "Die Hard" the world-wide stir,hereafter the piece reward was unceasing,has established the movement giant star's status.The representative works have Die the Hard series,Armageddon,The Fifth Element,Twelve Monkeys,The Sixth Sense,Unbreakable,Death Becomes Her,The Whole Nine Yards and so on.