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英语作文:假如我是百万富翁 长一点.50分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:19:47
英语作文:假如我是百万富翁 长一点.50分
英语作文:假如我是百万富翁 长一点.50分
Well,if I were a millionaire (which is such great wishful thinking),I would set a substantial amount aside for my children,establish a wildlife preserve for the protection of wolves,construct a number of wind farms and travel (a lot).I would also invest in life insurance.
Usually people have different opinions about how to spend the $1,000,000 they earn (that would take about 100 years if you earned $10,000 spare money every year!) Like said in the section above,the contributor would like to spend it on his/her children,establish a wildlife preserve,and insurance/travel.However,I would spend it on my children's college funds,maybe mortgage and insurance for the family,and use some of the leftover (there would probably be a lot leftover) money to go on vacation.In general,different people have different opinions about spending $1,000,000 if they had it.
I would give a fraction of an amount to charity then i would use most of it buying stuff that i want and then with the money left i would give it to my 'loved' ones.Ok?
First thing I would do is say goodbye to everyone I work with,and wish them the best.Then I would get out of this area I live in and take a nice European trip visiting Switzerland,Austria,Germany and all the beautiful sites in that area.Hopefully I could find someone who would like to go with me?Oh dream on.
Practically speaking this is what i would do:1) figure out a way to pay the least taxes on it 2) pay the minimum necessary taxes on it 3) invest it in some safe short term instruments:bonds,cd's,etc.as long as i'm outpacing inflation 4) pay of my high interest debt 5) pay of my low interest debt 6) consider any other investment opportunities 7) have fun with it buy a nice car,help my family out (i'd limit this to 100k or so) 8) with the other 600k or so left over i would invest it in many different thing in order to minimize risk
I would pay tithing,and put the rest of the money in the bank and live off the interest.If there was enough,I might quit my job and write full-time.I might buy a house with a room I could use as a library and pay for college for my brothers and sisters and friends...if there were some left over I would buy houses for other people and maybe set up a scholarship for people who wanted to go to college but were having a hard time affording it.I might go on a trip to England,because I have always wanted to go,and it would be heaven because even when people say mean things...with that accent,it sounds great.:) Maybe I would open a used book store,or a game store,or a combination of the two.I could have story time for kids at my book store,and tables in the back for people to play the games at my game store.If I were rich enough,people who came into my store and wanted something,but couldn't quite afford it,but just admired it...I would give it to them,and they would smile,and that would be worth everything.
I would invest my money to become a billionaire...then find out where and how someone goes about buying the state they live in :P
Or I'd just give some money back to EVERYONE...that whole positive image thing,but make sure they know what I am and the kind of people I hang around...not that I am one,but to see the look on everyones face as a group of kkk members walk into a black church and hand a negro pastor money...it would be classic,not to mention good PR if your not shot or stabbed with something...hell maybe even if you are shot or stabbed,all you tried to do was help the church
I would start a company and only hire racially proud Whites,making and/or selling things that mostly Whites would desire or need (like workboots,soap,hairbrushes J/k ) and as owner reinvest a monthly percentage into making them share holders.As the company grows the people there at the beginning are at the top of the food chain and an agreed upon percentage of the profits would go to White causes.Everyone wants to be rich and live the good life,but I would feel better if I helped other people do the same than just be someone with millions sitting in the bank.Money in the bank does nothing for the cause but feeds one's own ego and greed for more.
As a millionaire,I might only be able to buy a single major market radio station and direct the programming to a news/talk format,stocking the time slots with personalities that would have a perspective that values and promotes the existence and progress of White people.It would be sort of a broadcast arm of NationalVanguard.org
But I'd really need to be a billionaire,so I could spend my money on buying one of the top TV networks and molding it into a healthy source of news and entertainment for us.
And I'd use the rest of my fortune to be the George Soros of the White advocacy movement.Decisive political influence and media control is what is needed to make the biggest difference in the shortest period of time,reversing the lethal trends that have prevailed since the end of WWII.
Practically I would start a business of parking lot chains(those guys make a killing.If your in the New York area you know what I mean.).and invest the rest to become a billionare so then I could do some real damage.Get a layered TV network,influencing all facets with Pro - White views on politics,music,sports etc..The influence has to be on all levels,some may not be into politics but there are millions of whites into sports if we can get to them by showing them a pro - white view of sports that can help sphere the way they view other issues and perhaps over time spark an interest in issues they are disinterested in.
Another thing I could do is move my millions and invest in poorer white nation such as Argentina,Uruguay and use it to mobilize those 80% White nations into taking over their governments.Through various forms mentioned on this fourm.
Practically I would start a business of parking lot chains(those guys make a killing.If your in the New York area you know what I mean.).and invest the rest to become a billionare so then I could do some real damage.Get a layered TV network,influencing all facets with Pro - White views on politics,music,sports etc..The influence has to be on all levels,some may not be into politics but there are millions of whites into sports if we can get to them by showing them a pro - white view of sports that can help sphere the way they view other issues and perhaps over time spark an interest in issues they are disinterested in.
Another thing I could do is move my millions and invest in poorer white nation such as Argentina,Uruguay and use it to mobilize those 80% White nations into taking over their governments.