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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 15:27:21
额. 就是放假了咧, 英语老师说看小鬼当家,把里面觉得有用得句子抄下来, 要80句, 还有翻译. 有得谢谢.~ 最后一天,要报名了,救命啊~ 0_,o
这么多 你自己挑选几句吧 Where's my suitcase? 我的行李呢? Who took my shirt? 谁把我的衬衫拿去了? Miss. Young lady! 哎,小姐 Excuse me. Girls! 对不起,小姐们 Hey, little fella. Hey! 小家伙,嗨 Excuse me, girls. Girls! 对不起,小姐们 Hey, big fella! 哎,胖子! Help me make the beds in the living room. 帮我整理客厅的床 Come on down here! 下来这里! Hey, son! 小家伙! Big fella. Hey, little guy! Little guy! 胖子!小家伙! Pete's brother and his family are here. 彼得的哥哥和他的全家 现在都在这儿 Trish is going to Montreal. 翠丝要去蒙特娄度假 Montreal? Oh, her family's there. 蒙特娄? 噢,她家人在那里 - Then we're off. - When? -我们也放假了 -你们什么时候走? - Tomorrow. - You're not ready, are you? -明天就走 -你是不是还没有准备好? Uncle Frank won't let me watch the movie... 法兰克叔叔不让我看电影… ...but the big kids can. 可是他让大孩子看 Why can't I? 为什么我就不能看呢? I'm on the phone. 我正在讲电话 When do you come back? Not till then? 你们什么时候回来? It's not even rated R. He's just being a jerk. 这部电影又不是限制级 他真讨厌 Kevin, if Uncle Frank says no... 凯文,要是法兰克叔叔说不能看… ...then it must be really bad. 那一定是烂片 No, we put the dog in the kennel... Hey, get off! 不,我们要把狗送去狗舍里… 嘿,下去! Kevin, out of the room. 凯文,出去! Hang up the phone and make me, why don't you? 挂了电话再来赶我出去啊 干嘛不这样? This kid. 死孩子 Did you pick up a voltage adaptor thing? 你有没有买电流转换器之类的东西? No, I didn't have time. 没有,我没闲时间买那个 - Then how do I shave in France? - Grow a goatee. -那我到法国用什么刮胡子? -那就留山羊胡啊 Dad, nobody'll let me do anything. 爸,他们什么事都不让我做 I've got something, pick up those MicroMachines that are all over. 我找点事给你做 把这里的小东西都收好 Aunt Leslie almost broke her neck. 你莱丝莉婶婶上次就踩到了 摔了一跤,脖子差点断掉 He was playing with the glue gun again. 他又玩热熔胶枪了 We talked about that. 我们谈过这个了吧 Did I burn down the joint? I don't think so. 我有把房子烧掉过吗? 没有 I made ornaments out of fish hooks. 我只是用鱼钩做了一个装饰品 - My new fish hooks? - I can't make them out of old ones... -是用我的新鱼钩做的吧? -我又不能用旧鱼钩做 ...with dry worm guts stuck on them. 有干的蚯蚓肠子粘在上面 - Peter. - Come on, Kevin. Out. -彼得 -走吧,凯文,出去吧 Do you guys have a voltage adaptor? 彼得,你有电流转换器吗? Here's a voltage adapter! 这里有一个 God, you're getting heavy! Go pack your suitcase. 你越来越重了 快去收拾你的行李吧 Pack my suitcase? 收拾我的行李? - Where's the shampoo? - I don't live here. -洗发精在哪里? -我又不住这里 This many people here and no shampoo. 这房子里有这么多人住 居然连瓶洗发精都没有 - Are your folks home? - They don't live here. -你父母在家吗? -他们不住在这里 - Tracy, did you order the pizza? - Buzz did. -崔西,是你叫的披萨吗? -是巴兹叫的 Excuse me. Are your parents here? 对不起,小姐 你的父母在这里吗? My parents live in Paris. 我父母住在巴黎,对不起 - Hi! - Hi! -你好! -你好! - Are your parents home? - Yeah. -你父母在家吗? -在啊 - Do they live here? - No. -他们住在这吗? -不 Why should they? All kids, no parents. 全是孩子,没有父母 Probably a fancy orphanage. 这是孤儿院还是什么地方 I don't know how to pack a suitcase. I've never done it once. 我不知道怎么收拾行李 我这一辈子还从来没有收拾过行李呢 - Tough. - That's what Megan said. -厉害啊 -梅根也是这么说的 What did I say? 我说什么? You told him "Tough." 你说他厉害 The dope was whining about a suitcase. What was I supposed to say? 这家伙嘀咕了行李嘀咕了半天 我能说什么? "Congratulations, you're an idiot"? 握着他的手说恭喜他吗? 恭喜他是白痴吗? - I'm not an idiot! - Really? -我才不是白痴! -噢,是吗?