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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:24:15
Henry Ford was the first one to build cars which were fast, reliable(可靠的)and cheap. He was able to 16 millions of them 17 he “mass-produced(大批量生产)” them; 18 , he had made a great many cars of 19 the same type. Henry Ford’s 20had hoped that his son would become a 21 , but the young man did not like the 22 and went to Detroit where he 23 as a mechanic. 24 the time he was twenty-nine,in 1892, he 25 his first car. The 26 mass-produced car in the world, the famous” Model T”27 in 1908—five years 28 Henry had started his great Ford Motor Company. This car 29 to be so popular 30 it remained 31 for twenty years. 32 Henry Ford’s time, mass-production techniques(技术) have become 33 in industry(工业)and 34 the price of a great many products which 35 would be very expensive. 16. A. sell B. buy C. invent D. discover 17. A. though B. unless C. because D. if 18. A. which is B. that is C. what is D. it is 19. A. perhaps B. almost C. somewhat D. exactly 20. A. uncle B. father C. brother D. neighbor 21. A. mechanic B. engineer C. editor D. farmer 22. A. wish B. hope C. idea D. think 23. A. worked B. learned C. taught D. drove 24. A. By B. Until C. For D. In 25. A. build B. had built C. would build D. building 26. A. best B. worst C. first D. last 27. A. invented B. made C. seemed D. appeared 28. A. until B. after C. because D. since 29. A. produced B. proved C. made D. changed 30. A. then B. if C. though D. that 31. A. changed B. unchanged C. still D. cheapest 32. A. To B. Since C. By D. At 33. A. unusual B. common C. unimportant D. worthless 34. A. fixed B. fell C. raised D. reduced 35. A. therefore B. otherwise C. anyhow D. so 请老师重点给讲一下18,21,29,35与中间的
解题思路: 细节理解要建立在对全篇的把握之上。
全篇文章主要介绍的福特轿车的创始人Henry Ford的故事。
18题的答案是B:that is 也就是说。固定短语that is (to say).例句:
You did quite well in the driving test,Tom. That is to say. You have passed it. 21题他的爸爸想让他当名农民。答案是 D. farmer.材料中似乎没有相关线索。但以前看过类似短文,似乎长一些,里面有个暗示句。 29题答案是B. proved。这种车型证明是很受欢迎,以至于流行了好多年。注意prove这个单词可以做系动词,构成固定搭配。S.th prove +表语。例如:The naughty proves to be very smart. 事实证明这个孩子很聪明。 35的答案是B. otherwise。结合前两句,意思是说:在福特时代,大批量生产技术在工业领域已近普及,因此很多产品的价格也已近下降。(要是没有这个背景)产品的标价也许还是很高。which 35 would be very expensive.是个定语从句,中间应该有个转折副词,表示“否则”之意。B. otherwise合符此意。例如:I'm not myself today -- otherwise I would do it myself 今天我不舒服,要不然我自己就处理了。 同学你好,如对解答还有疑问,可在答案下方的【添加讨论】中留言,我收到后会尽快给你答复。感谢你的配合!祝你学习进步,生活愉快