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英语翻译Wanted:Travelling partner  Are you interested in travell

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:24:10
Wanted:Travelling partner  Are you interested in travelling abroad?Have you ever thought of taking a trip to Britain?  I am a girl student of 17 and I am planning a vacation for the middle of July.The trip will be excellent if you can join me and if you are also looking forward to visiting the city of London.There we will witness how the old kingdom has influenced the whole world.The land of castles,Shakespeare,queens and kings—so many wonders are waiting for us!  Our trip will be easier if you can speak good English and have the experience of travelling abroad.It's best if you are also a girl about my age so that we can share a hotel room.Please contact me and let's go together!
英语翻译Wanted:Travelling partner  Are you interested in travell
寻找旅游伴侣:你喜欢出国旅行么?你曾经想过要去英国旅游么?我是一名17岁的女学生,我正在计划七月中旬的假期生活.如果你也期待能去游览伦敦,并且愿意跟我一起的话,我相信我们的旅途会很棒.我们将会见证古王国是如何影响了整个世界; 那里的城堡,莎士比亚,国王和皇后等等这么多的奇观在等着我们!如果你曾经出过旅游过,并且说了一口流利的英文将会使我们的旅途变得更容易.如果你是一个和我年纪相仿的女孩就最好了,这样我们可以睡在一间旅店房间里.请联系我,让我们一起出发!