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辩论 合作与竞争 (用英语)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:28:22
辩论 合作与竞争 (用英语)
英语辩论 适合辩论的辨词
辩论 合作与竞争 (用英语)
可以用cooperation and competition 做题目
Competition not forget cooperation, "is to help students on the proper treatment of the life of competition and cooperation, in the competition Institute, in cooperation cooperation in competition, because competition in modern society has established cooperation, competition and cooperation is everyone's face common task. only the correct understanding and handling the relationship between competition and cooperation can establish the correct sense of competition and cooperation concept. project from the level of the contents of the following two components.
The first level "thanks opponent," and the main competition is to help students understand the significance of a positive and train the students to the Italian competition
Know and learn in cooperation competition.
(1) reflects the daily life of the school competition in the four photos, including knowledge contests, football matches, tug-of-war competitions and examinations, and then guide the students to observe, cited competition in the life phenomenon, as people cut the level of content.
(2) Aggregate outlined: competition and cooperation companions accompanied, competition is the life of a universal phenomenon, the natural world and human society there is a fierce competition, and competition in a variety of forms.
(3) cited a case in a big city in the north, Wang Zhao, the two businessmen competition case, naturally raised explore the question: If the market competition is fierce and cruel, then why should help Wangjingli opponent for opponents ? On this basis, the teaching body pointed out: We need cooperation, but also competition. If there is no competition, the lack of cooperation will be the vigor and vitality will become a backwater.
(4) outlined the positive role of competition:
A. Competition can stimulate individual initiative and enthusiasm and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, to the potential of filling
At play, so that people keep making progress, and progressive;
B. Second, in comparison with competitors, to discover its own deficiencies, and each other, so that their own progress and develop faster. Each other, work together, is that we cooperation competing objectives.
(5) set up a small column "celebrity saying, quote Lenin's words further explanation of competition, there are other positive role to help them establish a sense of competition.
(6) set up a small column "Links" animal sector borrowing things: an animal if there is no opponent, it will become stagnant; Similarly, a person has no rival, he will GAN: mediocrity, you lazy , which eventually led to Yonglu inaction.
(7) in the form of a comic reflection of the students: "encountered in their own lives in what kind of competitors? Look at what is the''competitors through preliminary activities so that students know: how to deal with life and the relationship between the rivals, and thus the natural transition to the next level of learning.
The second level "competition is the best win-win results." The main level is to help students correctly understand the competitive and cooperative relationship of dialectical unity of the competition did not forget to cooperation, and cooperation for a win-win competition.
(1) cited a Vacuum Flask plant used false advertising and unfair means competition example, to allow students to think the issues discussed:
A. Say: are you in favour of the plant means of competition? Understanding of what is the purpose of the plant's competitiveness?
B. Proposed a discussion: How should we deal with the right competition in the social life? First, the problem of a certain insulation against the practices of the plant, the problem is to guide the students on how to conduct a competition in the discussion.
(2) Summary: First, the competitiveness of cooperation not only caused collaboration both sides will suffer, especially the kind of home regardless of the moral unfair competition, the ultimate result can only be a harm to others, education students to oppose unfair competition, : the sense of competition. Second, competition and cooperation is the unity of opposites, in the cooperation in the competition, the competition in cooperation, education students compete not forget cooperation. This is because, competition and cooperation are unified. Cooperation can not competition, is not competitive revitalize cooperation, and cooperation in order to better competition, better cooperation, the stronger the force, the greater the likelihood of success; competition can not cooperation, cooperation for the competition is weak competition alone, is "life-and-death" or a lose-lose.
(3) cited an example of friendly competition department stores, the company is not taken the initiative to squeeze opponents but opponents extend the hand of friendship, and the result is to win the support of many competitors. In this case set to start thinking:
A. The department store is how to handle relations with competitors?
B. In the next life, intends to how to deal with the relationship between competition and cooperation? Guide students sentiment outstanding competitors always competitive as a pleasure.
C. On the competitors can not mutually exclusive, resulting in a lose-lose, and to promote each other, and to raise the "win-win" concept, pointing out that a "win-win competition is the best result, good cooperation to create a win-win situation. If we in the legal and moral to the extent permitted , the basis of equality, fairness and integrity to carry out the principle of competition: In the process of mutual encouragement and help from each other, everyone will gain, can be improved, this is the essence of cooperation in the competition. final advocacy students it is necessary to establish and be pioneers, not far behind the competitive spirit, but also foster collaboration, cooperation and mutual assistance awareness. this is the level of conclusion, is "competition not forget cooperation," the end result of this project.
(4) created a problem situation to enable students to "talk about: cooperation is important, or competitive focus.
This event is to the interest of students, competition understanding of the importance of awareness. In fact, cooperation and competition are important
The key is to guide students in real life how to correctly handle the relationship between competition and cooperation
(1) 列举了某保温瓶厂利用虚假广告宣传等不正当手段进行竞争的实例,提出让学生思考讨论的问题:
B.议一议:我们应怎样正确对待社会生活中的竞争?问题一是针对某保温 厂的做法提出的,问题二是引导学生就如何进行竞争展开讨论.
(2)总结:一是没有合作的竞争只能造成协作双方的两败俱伤,特别是那种置道德不顾的不正当竞争,其最终结果只能是害人害己,教育学生要反对不正当竞争,:竞争意识. 二是竞争与合作是对立统一的关系,在合作中有竞争,在竞争中有合作,教育学生竞争不忘合作.因为,竞争与合作是统一的.合作不能没有竞争,没有竞争合作是一潭死水,合作是为了更好地竞争,合作越好,力量越强,成功的可能性就越大;竞争不能没有合作,没有合作作竞争是孤单的无力的竞争,是“你死我活”或两败俱伤.
(3) 举了一家百货公司友好竞争的事例,该公司不是挤压对手而是主动向对手伸出友谊之手,结果是赢得了许多竞争者的支持.以这个案例为切入点设置了思考的问题:
A. 该百货公司是怎样处理与竞争对手关系的?
B. 在今后生活中,打算怎样处理竞争与合作的关系?引导学生感悟优秀的竞争者总是把竞争看成是乐事.
C. 阐述了竞争对手不能相互排斥,造成两败俱伤,而要相互促进、共同提高的“双赢”理念,指出了“双赢是竞争最理想的结果,良好的合作创造双赢.我们只要在法律和道德允许的范围内,按照平等、公平、诚信的原则去进行竞争,:在这过程中双方相互激励、相互帮助、取长补短,大家都会有所收获,都能得到提高,这才是竞争中合作的真谛.最后倡导学生既要树立敢为人先、不甘落后的竞争精神,又要树立协作、互助的合作意识.这既是本层次的结束语,也是“竞争不忘合作"这一项目的落脚点.