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英语翻译Catholicism is a broad term that refers to the body of t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:31:32
Catholicism is a broad term that refers to the body of the Catholic faith,its theologies and doctrines,its liturgical,ethical,spiritual,and behavioral characteristics,as well as a religious people as a whole.[1] In one sense,it refers to the Roman Catholic Church and the Christians living in communion with the Church of Rome.[2] In a broader sense,Catholicism is associated with any church,including Anglicanism,that claims continuity with the Catholic Church before separation into Greek or Eastern and Latin or Western.[3] Churches that make this claim of continuity include not only those of the Anglican Communion,but,among others,the Roman Catholic Church,the Eastern Orthodox Church,Oriental Orthodoxy,and the Assyrian Church of the East.[4] The claim of continuity may be based on Apostolic Succession,especially in conjunction with adherence to the Nicene Creed.[5] Some interpret Catholicism as adherence to the traditional beliefs that Protestant Reformers were denied,as with the Oxford Movement.[6]
Catholicism is distinguished from other forms of Christianity in its particular understanding and commitment to tradition,the sacraments,the mediation between God,and communion.[1] Catholicism can include a monastic life,religious order,a religious appreciation of the arts,a communal understanding of sin and redemption,missionary activity,and,in the the Roman Catholic Church,papacy.[2]
英语翻译Catholicism is a broad term that refers to the body of t
天主教是一个广泛的术语,指的是机构的天主教信仰,其theologies和理论,其礼仪,道德,精神和行为特征,以及作为一个宗教人士作为一个整体.[ 1 ]从某种意义上说,它指在罗马天主教和基督教徒生活在共融与罗马教会.[ 2 ]在更广泛的意义上,天主教与任何教堂,其中包括Anglicanism ,声称连续性与天主教会分离成之前希腊或东欧和拉丁美洲或西方.[ 3 ]基督教协进会,使这一索赔的连续性不仅包括那些在英国圣公会,但是,除其他外,罗马天主教,东正教,东方正统,以及亚述教会的地区.[ 4 ]索赔的连续性可根据使徒的继承,尤其是在与坚持尼西亚信经.[ 5 ]一些解释为坚持天主教的传统信仰新教改革者被剥夺,与牛津运动.[ 6 ]
天主教有别于其他形式的基督教在其特定的理解和承诺的传统,圣礼,调解之间的上帝,共融.[ 1 ]天主教可以包括僧侣的生活,宗教秩序,宗教欣赏艺术,社区理解的罪恶和赎回,传教活动,并在罗马天主教会,教皇.[ 2 ]