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英语翻译Louie was a real dog's dog.He had little use for humans.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 10:24:44
Louie was a real dog's dog.He had little use for humans.He even went out of his way to avoid any form of human affection or praise.Perhaps being such a huge dog (my guess is that he was part Saint Bernard,part Collie,part Grizzly) had something to do with his confident and independent demeanor.Anyway,I didn't know Louie that well -- I only saw him maybe four times in my life -- but I'll never forget the day that we connected in a most unusual way.
I walked out of Louie's owner's house and toward my car,which was parked down the street."Hey Louie," I said to the mutt,who was standing in the driveway.Louie looked at me indifferently,then looked away.Because of a high hedge,we lost sight of each other as I turned and walked up the sidewalk.Coming back from my car,I gave a succinct bark.I have a fairly convincing bark,so I wasn't surprised when Louie responded with a similar bark.I barked again.Again,Louie responded.I then stepped into Louie's view.He looked at me,then,realizing that I was not what he expected,quickly looked back toward the direction of the last bark.I paused for a moment,then gave another bark.Louie's head quickly turned back toward me.His mind was working.After about a second,the expression of this dog's face changed completely.The corners of his mouth rose.Louie was obviously smiling.I know it seems odd,perhaps even unbelievable,but not only did that dog know he had been fooled,he "got" the joke.
I didn't pat Louie as I walked by -- I knew he wouldn't care for any physical display of affection.I just smiled back and walked into the house.
Rick G
英语翻译Louie was a real dog's dog.He had little use for humans.
Rick G(作者名)
第一节I didn't know Louie that well,应该是我不太熟悉路易,因为我在生活中只见过他四次,而不是我不知道路易好.典型的机器翻译.
第二节"Hey Louie," I said to the mutt,who was standing in the driveway,”嘿,路易,”我对着那只正站在汽车道上的杂种狗找招呼.而不是“我说的杂种,谁是站在车道上.”Louie looked at me indifferently,then looked away.路易冷漠地看着我,然后目光又移开了.是目光移开,不是狗离开.也就是这个狗对人类方式打招呼很冷漠.
下面就更好笑了,I gave a succinct bark我给了一个简洁的树皮,什么简洁的树皮呀?是我发出一声简短的狗叫声.典型的机器翻译,然后自己也不看看通不通.要命的是编辑也不懂,还选推荐答案,真的有点给百度知道抹黑.下面,I have a fairly convincing bark,应该是我发出的狗叫非常让人误以为真,唉,居然是我有一个相当有说服力的树皮,还我并不感到惊讶,当路易回答类似的树皮.
再下去,然后我走进路易的视线.他看着我,然后意识到我并不是他所期待的那个声音,目光马上就回到刚才最后一声狗叫的方向.我停了一会儿,然后又发出一声狗叫.路易的头马上转回来对着我.他的脑子正在运转.一秒钟后,这个狗的脸部表情全部变了.The corners of his mouth rose,狗的嘴角玫瑰了,我的老天,这个rose作为名词,可以作为玫瑰,作为动词就是提升了,嘴角升起了.还嘴角玫瑰,再汗~