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1: 我们通过朗读来提高英语口语水平。

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 13:30:05
1: 我们通过朗读来提高英语口语水平。
We improve our spoken English _______________.
Dave can always _______________ some good ideas.
3: 汤姆很友好,也很容易相处。
Tom is very friendly and easy _______________.
4: 这个实验室是用来做医学研究的。
The laboratory_______________ doing medical research.
5: 出乎他的意料,他的计划很有效。
_______________,his plan worked out fine.
6: 艾米过去留着卷发,但是现在是直发。
Amy _______________ have curly hair, but now she has straight hair.
7: 我妹妹比我更外向。
8: 当老师进来时,你们在干什么?
9: 五年后将会有更少的空闲时间。
10: 自从2000年以来他就住在这儿。
11: 你能告诉我银行在哪儿吗?
There is a big, beautiful country in South America. 小题12: It’s easy to see the country on the world map. It looks like a heart. It’s Brazil(巴西). Brazil is the biggest country with the most people in South America. It is a land with colorful culture.
13: Brazil is a country that makes you want to dance. Carnival(狂欢节) is the best thing to show this. And you should never forget Brazilian soccer. Brazil has a famous soccer team and some great players.
1: 我们通过朗读来提高英语口语水平。
参考答案: 小题1:by reading aloud 小题2:come up with/think up 小题3:to get along/on with 小题4:is used for 小题5:To his surprise 小题6:used to 小题7:My (younger) sister is more outgoing than me/I/I am. 小题8:What were you doing when the teacher came in? 小题9:There will be less free/spare time in five years. 小题10:He has lived here since 2000. 小题11:Could/Would/Will you (please) tell me where the bank is? 小题12:在世界地图上很容易看到这个国家。 小题13:巴西是一个让你想要跳舞的国家。 再答: 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!