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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 19:23:33
tiger 刚上线时一般的使用:----------------------------------------------------- 1. Hi 嗨 2. Hey 嘿 3. Yo 喂 4. WOW 哇 5. ICQ 我找你. I seek you. 6. TNS 好久不见. Long time no see. 7. VG 很好 Very good. 8. yep 是 <俚> yes. 9. yup 是 <俚> yes. 10. yeah 是 = yes. 11. RYOK 你好吧? Are you ok? 12. YR 对,是的. yeah,right. 中间有事离开一会儿:------------------------------------------------------ 13. bbiam 我很快回来 Be back in a minuta. 14. hang on 等一下. 15. bll 过一会儿回来. Be back late. 16. BRB 很快回来. Be right back. 17. RSN 马上 Real soon now. 19. afk 暂时离开(键盘) away from keyboard. 20. bak 回(键盘前)来了. back at keyboard. 21. BBIAB 马上回来. be back in a bit. 告诉对方欲下线:---------------------------------------------------------- 22. TAFN 到此为止. That's all for now. 23. GTGB 得走了.再见. Got to go,Bye. 24. SRI 对不起. Sorry. 25. Gotta go 我得走了. Gotta go=have to go=I have to go. 告别:--------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Bye 再见. 27. CU 再见. See you. 28. CU2 再见. See you too. 29. CUL 下次再会. See you later. 30. CUA 再会. See you again. 31. HTH 睡觉去了. Hit the hay (hay <俚> 床) 33. See ya. 再见. See ya = See you (ya 表示 you 或 young adult) 34. AMF 再会,我的朋友. Adios my friend. 35. BBIAF 以后见. be back in a few. 36. O&O 结束了,走了. Over and out. (或: OnO) 37. TTUL 以后再聊. Talk to you later. 39. KIT 保持联络. Keep in touch 40. BBYE 再见. ByeBye. 45. BFN 再见. Bye for now. 46. later 晚一点见. 表达谢意:------------------------------------------------------------------ 48. THX 谢谢. Thanks. 49. THS 多谢你与我共享. Thanks for sharing. 50. TIA 先谢了. Thanks in advance. 51. TY 谢谢. Thank you. 52. TYVM 非常感谢. Thank you very much. 打错字时纠正: (仅需在...后输入正确的内容即可)------------------------------- 57. oops... 哎呀... 58. I mean... 我的意思是... 59. That should be... 那是... 应答词句:---------------------------------------------------------------- 60. congrats 恭喜你. congratulations 61. LLAP 长寿发财 Live long and prosper. 62. k 好的 OK. 63. cool=kool=kewl 酷. that's good. 64. ??? 怎么了?,不懂. 65. Huh? 什么? 66. wassup? 怎么了? what's up? 67. wassat? 那是什么? What's that? 68. What's going on? 怎么回事? 69. MORF=RUMOF 男或女? Are you male or female? 70. U? 你呢? and you? 71. MOTOS 异性成员 Member of the opposite sex. 72. MOTSS 同性成员 Member of the same sex. 73. GF 女友. Girlfiend. 74. BF 男友. Boyfiend. 75. ILY 我爱你. I love you. 76. FTBOMH 发自内心的. From the Bottom of my heart. 77. WYMM 愿与我结为伴侣吗? Will yu marry me? 78. IAE 无论如何 In any event. 79. IAC 总之 In any case. 80. EZ 容易 Easy 81. SBI 就这样吧. So be it. 82. BIS 就那样吧. Be it so. 83. Huh? (哼!,哈!)什么? 84. What do you mean? 你什么意思? 85. What are you talking about? 你在说什么? 86. NFW 别做梦,决不. No ****ing way. 87. FY 去你的. Fuck you. 88. No way 不可能. =That's impossible. 89. NAWT 不. Not. 90. FROPPED 别胡闹 Fucking dropped. 91. FU 搞糟了 ****ed up. 92. ain't 不是, are not. 93. oops 笑(惊讶,狼狈) 94. heh 嘿(表示笑) 95. LAFF (表示)笑 laugh 96. LAFFIN (表示)笑 laughing 97. EG 龇牙裂嘴的笑 evil grin. 98. naah 没有;不是的 99. nope 没有;不是的 100. J/K 只是开玩笑. just kidding 101. FYA 让你开心 For your amusement. 102. YHBT 你上当了. You have been trolled. 103. TIC 虚情假意. Tongue in check. 104. DLTM 不要向我说谎. Don't lie to me. 105. ASAP 尽快回复. as soon as possible. 106. NRN 不必回复. No reply necessary. 107. For that it's worth. 就算是吧. 108. IWBNI 果真如此就好了 It would be nice if. 109. E-me 给我发电子邮件 Email me. 110. IC 我明白了. I see. 111. OIC 我知道了. Oh,I see. 112. IDK 我不知道. I don't know. 113. BTW 顺便提一下. By the way. 114. bout 关于 about 115. U 你. you. 116. Ur 你的/你是 your/you're 117. howdja 你怎么... how did you. 118. BTSOOM 让我大吃一惊. Beats the shit out of me. 119. Didja 你做了...吗? did you. 120. how to...? 我该怎么...? how do I...? 121. cuz 因为 because. 122. gotta 不得不做 go to 123. hafta 不得不做 have to 124. prob 大概 probably 125. prolly 大概 probably 126. sort of 有点(有几分) sort of = kind of 表示不是很肯定. 127. coulda 早可以 could have 128. woulda 早该 would have 129. FAQ 常见问题 Frequently ask quition. 130. WRT 关于 With respect to. 131. YABA 又是一个该死的字母缩写 Yet another blood acronym. 132. FT 晕 Faint. 133. WAG 瞎猜. wild ass guess. 134. dunno 不知道 don't know. 135. STITD 还是不明白 Still in the dark. 136. GOK 只有天知道. God only know. 137. PPL 人们 People. 138. OMG----------------啊,糟了 Oh,my gosh. 139. NFG----------------很不好 No ****ing good. 140. What is this?------这是什么意思? 141. NBFD -------------没什么也不起的 No big ****ing deal. 142. FYI ------------- For your information 143. Newbie-------------新手. 144. all gone-----------都完了.(gone=missing 只作表语) 145. just---------------我只是 146. blew it------------搞砸了. 147. fraid not----------恐怕没有=afraid not=I'm afraid not. 148. FUD----------------恐怕,不确定和怀疑 Fear, Uncertainty and doult. 149. HHOK---------------只不过开个玩笑 Haha only kidding. 150. Go to hell!--------去死吧! 希望我有帮到你,麻烦给个好评哈o(∩_∩)o
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!