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英语翻译上下文(出自一本小说集的前言,小说作者是kurt vonnegut)PROLOGUE Ernest Heming

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 12:25:59
上下文(出自一本小说集的前言,小说作者是kurt vonnegut)PROLOGUE
Ernest Hemingway in 1952 published in Life magazine a long short story called The Old Man
and the Sea.It was about a Cuban fisherman who hadn't caught anything for eighty-four days.
The Cuban hooked an enormous marlin.He killed it and lashed it alongside his little boat.Before
he could get it to shore,though,sharks bit off all the meat on the skeleton.
I was living in Barnstable Village on Cape Cod when the story appeared.I asked a
neighboring commercial fisherman what he thought of it.He said the hero was an idiot.He
should have hacked off the best chunks of meat and put them in the bottom of the boat,and left
the rest of the carcass for the sharks.
It could be that the sharks Hemingway had in mind were critics who hadn't much liked his first novel in ten years,Across the River and into the Trees,published two years earlier.As far as I know,he never said so.But the marlin could have been that novel.
And then I found myself in the winter of 1996 the creator of a novel which did not work,
which had no point,which had never wanted to be written in the first place.Merde!I had spent
nearly a decade on that ungrateful fish,if you will.It wasn't even fit for shark chum.
求译部分 It could be that the sharks Hemingway had in mind were critics who hadn't much liked his first novel in ten years,Across the River and into the Trees,published two years earlier.As far as I know,he never said so.But the marlin could have been that novel.
英语翻译上下文(出自一本小说集的前言,小说作者是kurt vonnegut)PROLOGUE Ernest Heming
海明威于1952年出版的人生杂志称为长短篇小说老人与海.据古巴渔民约捕获分文未84天.古巴钩巨大马林.他的死与他一起抨击它舟船.岸上才有它虽然有点过鲨鱼肉就全部骸骨.我是住在barnstable鳕角村当故事出现.我问了他的感受渔民周边商业资讯.他说英雄是白痴.他就要砍过的最好的大块的肉,并放置在该船底层,其余的胴体离开了鲨鱼.可以说,海明威的鲨鱼被批评者所想象的不喜欢他的第一本小说在 10年来,过河、成树,两年前出版.据我所知,他从没说过.但马林一直认为小说可以.然后敝人1996年冬季的一个新颖的缔造者没有工作 没点,从未想要写在首位.merde!我花了将近10月,过桥鱼,如果你会.有人甚至不适合鲨鱼强.可以说,海明威的鲨鱼被批评者所想象的不喜欢他的第一本小说在 10年来,过河、成树,两年前出版.据我所知,他从没说过.但马林一直认为小说可以.