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求问GMAT OG12 CR77题

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 07:30:36
求问GMAT OG12 CR77题
Country Y uses its scarceforeign-exchange reserves to buy scrap iron for recycling into steel.Althoughthe steel thus produced earns more foreign exchange than it costs,that policyis foolish.Country V's own territory has vast deposits of iron ore,which canbe mined with minimal expenditure of foreign exchange.
Which of the following,if true,provides the strongest support forCountry V's policy of [l1] buying scrap iron abroad?
(A) The price of scrap iron oninternational markets rose significantly in 1987.
(8) Country V's foreign-exchangereserves dropped significantly in 1987.
(C) There is virtually no difference inquality between steel produced from scrap iron and
that produced from iron ore.
(D) Scrap iron is now used in theproduction of roughly half the steel used in the world today,and expertspredict that scrap iron will be used even more extensively in the future.
(E) Furnaces that process scrap iron can be built and operated in Country Y with substantially less foreign exchange than canfurnaces that process iron ore.
E.但D为什么不对呢,E意思是 在Y国建立可处理iron的火炉比处理iron需要更少的外汇 它对结论有什么支持作用呢?
求问GMAT OG12 CR77题
D范围错了.支持必须要支持结论,这点你也明白.这问题的结论是Country Y uses its scarce foreign-exchange reserves to buy scrap iron for recycling into steel
is foolish.
D选项focus on这个技术以后会不会广泛使用,为无关选项.
E说的是处理scrap iron比处理iron ore成本更低.原文关注的就是钱的问题,无论是否支持,这个选项首先在范围上是对的.并且,这道题仅仅通过范围的判断就可以排除其他四个选项了.如果不放心,你可以继续判断E选项的方向,通过对process成本的比较显然可以得出它是支持原文结论的.另外E的意思不是建立炉子需要更少的外汇,而是built and operated.逻辑读题必须要仔细.