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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:20:07
公主的失踪引起了人们的惊慌,国王秘密派出了许多便衣四处寻找公主的下落.乔带领公主来到水上舞厅参加舞会时被便衣警察发现了,他们请公主和他们回去,而公主坚决不肯,警察们要强行绑架她回去,乔和欧文同他们厮打起来,而任性调皮的公主也大打出手,十分开心.趁着混乱,乔带着公主逃之夭夭…… 一天过去了,公主终于要回宫了,可此时她和乔发现彼此间擦出了爱的火花,坠入了情网.怎奈公主毕竟是公主,平民终究是平民,两人只能依依惜别……
Joe hurriedly give his friend,also call Owen photographer in the garden,tracking princess square on her and pretend to meet,then volunteered for the princess did guide,riding a motorcycle with her visit to Rome,at the same time,Owen was driving the car behind them and took many precious lens,and all this,the princess blissfully unaware.
The princess of the missing people panic,the king sent many secret around the whereabouts of the princess plainclothes security.Joe lead princess came to dance disco water by plainclothes police discovered they please princess and they returned,and resolutely refused,princess to the police force,Joe and kidnapped her back to Europe,and takes them ties wayward naughty princess also fights,very happy.hereWhile chaos,Joe with princess away...One day,the princess finally return to a house,but now she and Joe found between the love sparks,have fallen in love.Aries princess is,after all,is ultimately princess,they can only say farewell party civilian...